Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 333


• 63 ’ Other “ Anomalous Processes & Effects ” mix of Rejected & Fully rejected by Western Mainstream -7

• ▶ ORMUS produced from water : ORMUS is bastardized name of ORME : acronym of white powder that is claimed to be " Orbitally Rearranged MonoAtomic Element "( Patented : Dav Hudson ) / WhiteGold Powder / M-State Matter . Although purportedly there are numerous ways to collect / produce this matter from most mineral , soil , metal , air , fumes etc , one of most often utilized method is from water .

• Generally refers to white powder form inert matter with inconsistent ( each matter might be different element mix or /& same matter has alleged pseudoscientific time variant weight-element changing qualities as inert matter ) but highly unusual characteristic claims in material science & ElectroMagnetic realm ( Pat Bailey +) that might be revealing fundamental nature of officially unknown super low cost physics mechanics .

• 1-Sustained room temp SuperConductivity , 2-Compact low temp / low energy Atomic Fission , 3- Compact low temp / low energy Transmutation , 4- Physical conjuring / materialization effect ? 5- New state of matter at room temp , 6- Occasional extraordinary heightened biofunction & mental clarity , 7- Potential link to Scalar / Torsion field type effects