Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 310
59’Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water: Continued 9
♛ Iron Sulphate Depositing in water 6 RISK FACTOR
• —>> cont: WM Fully rejected effect: S2(bioenhancing): RISK- A:
• ii-Other mainstream groups partially admit academic data and say "unlikely
it works, but even if it it did..", then list more of possibly going wrong
exaggerated scenario that are not actually seen than workable scenario like:
acidification, irreversible destruction of environment etc.
• iii-Incidentally, other western mainstream initiated and managed
geoengineering projects like climate intervention project of different types
world wide(on public record), are entirely ignored by them or call it "there is
no such thing exists" hence abstain from criticism while successfully create a
reality, in which much larger mainstream led geoengineering becomes mere
theory for majority of western public who exclusively believes in WM media.
(For details, see other report and look up "Exclusively man made CO2 based
catastrophe is" [Tesla, & Other Controversial Energy Tech Claims...] - this
becomes sometimes completely different from validation of recent more
extensive climate change or even global warming itself depends on context
-->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 310