Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 306

• 59’Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water: Continued 5 ♛ Iron Sulphate Depositing in water 2 • -->>cont: WM Rejected claims at media, S2(bioenhancing): of 2nd claim: • Based on FeSO 4 depositing consistently showing explosively increased phytoplanktons in low iron surface water region, theoretically it is probable correctly-timed increase of fish food leads to(food chain reaction takes phytoplankton -->zooplankton -->fish stock): (2nd claim)Fish stock increase & its biofunction(probably very effective but not enough actual data to firmly back up, also variables unknown) • ● Only one publicly known major trial is made, which coincided with abrupt record level 10-20 fold fish return results then declining as expected due to no scattering since(2013/14: Fraser River etc Canada)(Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, Ocean Pastures Corp +), Some times also Iron Oxide is used. • ● Selected test sites had iron deficient surface off shore ocean/lake environment with already sufficient phosphate & Nitrogen level, hence it is likely single major condition for explosive phytoplankton growth(Jo Martin & Ste Fitzwater+) ● Limited but also lab type data indicates volcano ash(heavy iron) triggers explosive growth of phytoplantkon(Sve Duggen+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 306