Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 304

• 59’Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion dissolved, or its oscillation only treated water: Continued 3 • —>> cont: WM Fully rejected effect: • Commercialized eg: Strong effects of Ferrous Ferric ion reaction type water is fairy consistently claimed by manufactures of device/water: (πWater - PiWater or its licensees []), there are various water claimed to be using similar PiWater “recipe”, or first originator (Wonyong Tamara Water+), US FDA approved pseudoscientific water as dietary supplement(Wonyong Vital Organic Water V.O.W)(#2030950) Diplomatic Immunity?(South Korean product). Unique "Ferrous-Ferric Chloride" bioceramic water(Akatsuka FFC): this tech is partially mainstream academic backed: Harvard univ etc. Some are ion dissolving type: (, 無有産研究所 +), • ■Related strong combitnation effect of Coagulation/Oxidention/Disinfection/ Bioenhancement for lake/drinking water/wastewater/ballast water exists by Ferrate ion(FeO 4 ) 2 ⁻ generator as initially mainstream highlighted but later practically media ignored effect if not rejected(Ferrate Treatment Technologies+): but actually strong industrial and military applications 304