Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 299
• 58’Ionizing projection in air-mist: continued 5
• —>> cont: Sometimes WM media Disputed effect std mainstream industrial process:
• O2(disinfect-decompose toxin/germs in flowing or bulk water or wet sludge, AOP) as *High
Current Electron Beam(HCEB) is exceptional case and WM Accepted effect(Iwasaki Denki,
ScanTech Holdings,, АО «НИИЭФА», EB TECH Co Ltd, CGN Dasheng Electron
Accelerator+), Note China seems to have a significant # of "pilot installations" facilitated by state
and academics that are fully functioning as accelerated electron beam water treatment system* 、
But the same effect is WM Rejected when micro power electron ionizing projection is used:
• O2(disinfect germs primarily by hydroxyl of moisture or water spray):(Sharp PlasmaCluster,
Panasonic NanoE, Microniser+), this effect is also WM science std accepted idea usually
unapproved by WM media and industry lobby publications. Incidentally, this type of lobbying to
create scientific reality itself sometimes appears to be also standard practise for interlocked
mainstream "allied" groups.
• S2(bioenhancing): by electron/ion/spark/microplasma/microlightning projection (only marginally
water mist related), “Human preferred” fermentation quickens(but undesired mold tends to
decrease), water soaking permeability increase, food in area lasts 30%+ longer, Growth increase for
Plant(20%)-fermentation(2-3times), relation to "Orgone" effect(Yusing TBA-HT4, Plasma Фирма
«ПЛАЗМАС», Greentechno らいぞう+), (also see 65'Precipitation related Weather Modification)
• T2(metal rust prevention), U2(increase energy effectiveness): electric equipment efficiency &
maintenance, V2(low redox potential), I3(metal cleaning): Negative ion blow dryer:
-->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada