Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 296
58’Ionizing projection in air-mist: continued 2
Sometimes WM Disputed effect: E3(air cleaner, fog reducing, wet electrostatic
precipitator): some effective industrial wet scrubbers charge only water mist etc(Cloud
Chamber Scrubber - Tri-mer+), Contact Electrification applied air cleaning from use of
new TriboElectric Nanogenerators(Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy & Nanosystems),
also deodoring effect, Extremely effective construction site etc dust/smoke capturing
"open air electrostatic wet scrubber system"(Kajima Kensetsu マイクロECミスト +) :
This completely std mainstream industrial process effect which is also called
“Electrostatic Air Filter” has interesting treatment by certain mainstream groups:
• -They might selectively interpret effect and actually dispute effectiveness: eg “the
process is proven to cause harmful effect with regular use”, or simply calling
“ineffective" by quoting only rare failed test of less effective type device used yrs ago
• -Sign of specific mainstream group sponsored debunking appeals, often targeting
consumer market. This type of media led campaign tends to create scientific
contradiction. Tech is usually much lower in electricity cost than alternative method
and filter is often washable for reuse. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver,