Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 240
44’Electro-Hydraulic effect: continued 2
• Many of Electrohydraulic effects are unexplainable on shock factor only, hence some are
WM media Disputed effect: Russia/Ukraine and ex-Soviet nations use more commonly:
O2(Hydroxyl radical production- AOP) & P2(Water filtering by coagulating some
elements in water, hence purifying/disinfecting/cleaning effect): these effects are often
byproduct and not chief purpose: • OH etc producing above O2+P2 combo effect rare
commercialization of ElectroHydraulic water electrooxidation(Clear Water Plasma+):
highly economically disruptive overunity type efficiency electron avalanche causing
standing wave - acoustic pulse/cavitation accompanying to generate wide range of
oxidants in abnormally large amount with little electricity use - also portable system.
• Q2(food preservation effect water), V2(low redox potential), by electrolysis looking
device abruptly creating shock in water(, - This effect of water is
sustained at least several days; linked to Plasma Activated Water(electrical discharge in
water). Virtually “science legalized” since PAW has been WM approved since around
• Unlisted but instant molecule structure changing type effect of Metal forming:(Bmax,
Trakonta - Траконта+): this is not necessarily water related. N3(shutters small kidney
stones): (Medispect+), ■ Unlisted effect but fractured bone fast & accurate
repairing(Sanuwave+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver,