Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 24
6‘Ozone: continued 4
-->>cont: WM Accepted effects: J(AOP):
Some focus on niche markets: i-Competitive in Pulp & paper bleaching(ZeTrac
Valmet - Metso+), ii-Ground remediation by all insitu generation electrochemical
process(Kerfoot Technologies+), or by high pressure pulse mode injection of
Ozone & H 2 O 2 (Applied Process Technologies APTwater HiPOx+), iii--For
Produced & Flowback water at Oil industry(atg UV+), iv--Mini AOP portable
device(Ozo-Pen+), v-For ocean water fishpond, or hot spring baths(Toyo Valve
ピュアキレイザー+), etc Under-explored regularly claimed effects, H(effective in
water oil separation), M(food disinfection), N(food detergent, Ozone/Ultrasonic can
combine to increase effectiveness), R(metal precision, high tech parts washing):
Wafer, semiconductor, LCD(liquid crystal display), photomask parts, ozone
nanobubble infused water is most effective washing fluid in some parts(MKS
Instruments, Nomura nms, Ovivowater +), W(degassing) E(Industrial type cleaner),
S(coagulation, toxin separation)
Sometimes Disputed effects, A(pipe scale prevention by stifling biological
element), Strong AOP insitu reactive specie mix for drastically reduce or eliminate
chemical blowdown (Ozomax inc, BWT Coolzon, OzoCan+),+), B(corrosion
prevention)(Ozone Elettronica - De Nora+). - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver,