Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 20
5’Natural Acid: continued 4
-->>cont: ii--Peracetic Acid:、
M*(Spray on seed/crops to disinfect)(Jet Harvest, PERAgreen Solutions+), N(Food
detergent)(Enviro Tech Chemical Services, Миссия "Лега"+):
Strong oxidizer, Fast complete degradation, freezing point -40C. Many effects are quite
potent after high dilution & used in some industrial disinfection over toxic chemicals even
when it is not issue, while underused in other sectors. There is added synergy by
pretreatment effect for UV. Many also offer in powder form to be diluted by water for
use(Atomesbio BIOXY+),
• ■ Other H 2 O 2 based Peracetic acid variation(Freebac+), H 2 O 2 + Formic acid => Performic
acid(CH 2 O 3 : freezing point -18C)(Kemira DesinFix+), Other acid mix:(Novus ACTIVATE
wd+): there are many other variations that are biodegradable and low cost. Also Most
products are transported & stored before application, but there are 25-40% less cost
Peracetic Acid onsite production upto 30% range concentration type grades from
various chemicals(Peracetic Acid Systems+), while Water & Air based onsite production
is much lower cost(Eltron Water IMPAACT+)(max 3%[30,000ppm]) with negligible vol
• ■ Other Natural Acids that are mainly limited to DIY type use: small scale utilization with some
of prementioned situations, and it is possible to use cost effectively in many situations as is or
by blending with other natural acids, but in most industrial situations mixed with chemicals:
eg Ascorbic Acid(C 6 H 8 O 6 : Vitamin C), Acetic Acid(CH 3 COOH: Vinegar) etc.