Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 185

• 31’Torsion field/Subtle field treated water: continued 5 • —>> continued ➢1 Geometric structures: Pyramid effect on water: Experimentally known water-affecting EM wave like weak ambient microwave/Far Infrared wave is effectively absorbed by pyramid geometry(Drbal+)(eg group pyramids are used for microwave Anechoic Chamber: but it appears geometry itself, not necessarily because of the valley structure between pyramids, does the absorbing) then resonating inside to cause water to absorb it and alter its "structure". This is consistent with efficient drying of water content from metal surface or fruit/animal carcass(mummification) with minimum to no rotting occurrence(P Tompkins, M Vogel+) • ➢2 Rotating magnetic field(2000rpm+) as intensive effect on metals, water solutes or micro organism like virus(metal manufacturing effect is WM approved except by media), but subtle on water itself or most larger bio organism or ➢3 Similarly certain time variant electric field frequency exposed to matter or water(eg energy efficiency improvement, or bio enhancement). • This phenomena field is deemed to be same type of force field as created by ➢4 “Phase conjugated mutually cancelled ElectroMagnetic wave form” as “longitudinal EM wave”(Shipov, Akimov, Thorns, S Kernbach, D Paris+). Some might call Subtle Energy(non-Herzian Energy, for details click here-> [Less Known, Abundant, Low Cost Energy...]) 185