Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 167

PHASE CHANGE CATALYST TYPE WATER - 1-REGULAR EXAMPLES 4/4 Technology how to make claimed/ how to make/ Claimed Claimed/estimated Effects Application/Effects, not utilized---> indicated how it works how it works necessarily claimed v--Effect claim 21 ASEA Renu28/ Proprietary selective ion --> reactive/reducing agents High temperature or -> mechanism of living Norton & exchange membrane to be trapped manner. microwave doesn’t alter its organism(redox signaling). Samuelson separated chamber 0-30v Trace of sodium based electrical property. Triggers This effect mechanism is low power electrolysis on magnesium fluorosilicate, metabolic or bioenhancing pseudoscientized by continuous basis to stabilize > phosphate, & chloride. effects by electron transfer--> seemingly medical lobby. 22 SilverSol/ Silver electrode with --> part of integrated water -->i This is because unlike --> by two electron hole American 10,000volt discharge in structure & enhance conventional colloidal or ionic structure of Ag4O4. -i.e: Biotech Labs/ aerated pure water: low it(similar to C60 in water) in silver function of one time only “permanent” or much Moeller, range 5-40ppm of Ag4O4 perpetually electrically electron scavenging function longer duration of Holladay, form silver becomes---> activated manner -> to be permanently repeatble--> disinfection, or Christensen bioenhancing effects. PHASE CHANGE CATALYST TYPE WATER - 2-REGULAR EXAMPLES & WEAKER EXAMPLES BOTH OFFERED Ferrous ferric ion & various --> For housing use -> magnetic field, ferrous ferric activation specific in 23 PiWater/ Yamashita & minerals causing reaction downgraded non dilutable ion key element. Heavy duty combination with minerals & Makino as catalyst as base for version has filters(coral version is diluted for use causes bioenhancing concentrate & ---> sand, activated carbon, 10-100times ferrous ferric ion effect rust proof, medical calsium, bioceramic etc of effect, anti oxidant, specific combo with -> presersative effect, Specific combo of minerals combined minerals. No Combination of minerals are -> with mineral in it? - like 24 Adya Clarity Water - The- but mainly contained in processing, to create opimized? or some sort of other activation processes. marox/ biotite granite(black mica anomalous vitalization geophysical elements acivate General bioenhancement, AsaoShimanishi etc), or sulfic acid stably.-> effect. Use by 1/10 dilution. the water-> anti-scaling, corrosion-> PHASE CHANGE CATALYST TYPE WATER - 3-WEAK CATALYST EXAMPLES 25 NORMAQUA Self vibrating piezo Ultrasonic wave produced Accelerating water faster movement of water, / oscillation device from alters intermolecular crystallization, Reduced antioxident & water softening water flow energy, which in water “bond oscillation” cement setting time & like effect, higher pH, bio turn influence water quality or breaks it. Effect lasts increased strength, enhancement, faster with resonance? only for 5days after coagulation, turbidity capillary suction,