Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 128

• 24’Electrolytic Metal Alloy + Venturi treatment, Static Electricity Ionized Water: continued 3 • -->> cont: Generally WM Rejected effect: C2*(Plant grow in salt/toxin water/soil enhance/desalination), strong effect and mainstream use within some sector in western nations(eg Dry brackish water aquifer Australian farming area) despite damage control denial effort by WM. Mechanics might be also that "ionized water" has improved performance of plant metabolism even with NaCl water content. • Weaker effect: E(industrial cleaner), F(Laundry detergent as water)(Vibrant Water Purification System+): weaker compared to Ozone but enhance detergent ability with cold water, and at certain light washing no detergents in rare cases, Q(Metal working fluid, cutting fluid or surfactant), J(Toxin neutralizing, waste water cleaning): Not as AOP, but fairly consistent(but not always)experimental/anecdotal user indication on altering of Chlorine effect. This claim is also made on magnetic/electric water treatment etc and seems to be due to some kind of ionization effect HClO to increasingly turn to ClO⁻ regardless of pH(pseudoscientific effect). • Occasionally claimed as N(Food washing liquid) 128