Fountain Of Youth Sept. 2013 | Page 7

Written by Anthony Tyson What is real to you and me? What's fake is behind things you can’t see or hear. Every eye can wait and see, but only you can judge me for what you see, not what you hear. Everyone has a bad side, but truth be told, what do you see? The words that I speak out of this mouth that have been through a lot of things are always smart. Things I say can have a lot of meaning, but only if you listen and start believing, for those feelings you keep inside, can’t wait to let out. Because believe it or not, it all comes out one way, one day... So real is real no matter how you put it. When I walk down the street, head up high, feet to the ground and I open my mouth, the words you'll hear from me will be real. So, listen up close and pay close mind to what I'm speaking. I tell no lie. This may be something you hear: “Hey you there with your head down, there is nothing to be sad about. You’re here and made it to a new day so lift your head up and smile because you’re someone who made it. So live everyday like it’s your last and be real. Karma of Bad Justice Written by Jawon Carter Trayvon dead, victim screaming, fighting, frowning loser, child, winner, adult lying, smiling, living guilty, defendant George 7