Foundry-Metalcaster UGLY Marketing Newsletter 365501 | Page 3

What is Client Oriented Thinking®? An Introduction Most foundries have no idea how to effectively market their products. They rely on prospects contacting them for a quote. Or outside reps who may or may not be working hard for the foundry. This puts them at the mercy of chance. Now I don’t mind a good gamble, but this is too much. I would much rather have a system in place that attracts clients like ants to a picnic. But the emphasis is on ‘system’. The first building block in creating such a system is what I have trademarked as Client Oriented Thinking®. We are all self centered, no matter what Sister Mary might have taught us in school. We primarily operate with ourselves as the center of our thinking. Not necessarily selfish, mind you, but we believe the whole world thinks like we do, is interested in the same things we are, and makes buying decisions using the same criteria we do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, as foundrymen, we take this thinking to all parts of our company. It may succeed in most areas, but definitely not in the area of marketing and selling. When a foundry uses it’s normal thinking in these areas, it spends money and gets no results. Brochures designed with this approach are useless. Websites are a cost center instead of a revenue asset. Over time, engineers believe marketing is a waste of money because they don’t see any results- except for bills. At some point, they give up in frustration. This is the beginning of the end. Whether slow or fast, the direction has begun… Although hard to believe, most of your clients don’t really want a casting. (You probably think I am nuts, right?) The real truth is they want a SOLUTION to their problem. Think about it this way: when you go to the hardware store looking for a drill bit, do you really need a drill bit- or a HOLE? And that may not even be the final solution. You don’t need a hole, you need shelves on the wall to clean up the garage. Why? Because you can’t get the car in and it’s going to snow! In this instance, you want the car in the garage, not a drill bit. This concept has been adapted by ‘knocked down’ furniture sellers. Have you assembled any of this lately? They supply you with wrenches, screwdrivers, grease-everything you need. They know you only want an assembled desk or table- not just the pieces. They aren’t selling you an end table, they’re trying to meet your ne eds for a place to set your beer while you watch the game instead of spending all day assembling furniture! Can you see how this fits into the foundry business? Your clients have a significantly deeper need than just a cast. They need a solution, and one that 1. works 2. fits 3. keeps the boss off their back 4. solves the accounting department's problems 5. is low risk to his job if something goes wrong 6. solves innumerable ‘unspoken needs’ These unspoken needs may be taken for granted by you- but not your clients. No hassles, on-time performance, zero delivery problems, satisfied end users, proper invoicing, agreed upon terms. Founders don’t consider these, but your clients do. The more of these you meet, the more loyalty and trust you develop. Loyalty + Trust = Profit. A foundry who aligns every part of their business to meet client needs will grow. Every area of the business can be adapted to COT. Specifically People, Processes, Presentation and the ultimate product. It may sound like nonsense but it works. Every foundry can make the decision to do what they’ve always done and hope for increased revenue, or step out and meet the clients where they are. Some will barely get by, others will grow. Which do you want? Coming Next Month… A new B2B study shows your prospects don’t trust anything you say. month… No trust means no revenue- answers next