FOUL PLAY -- SCI 1020 FINAL PROJECT Red Explorer Hiking Travel Magazine (2) | Page 14
December 26th, 1996 5:52 AM, 6-year-old JonBenet 911 Call
Ramsey was reported kidnapped by her mother; that Regarding the call, the first comment Burke and
same night, she was found dead in her home. Fitzgerald made was that the mother, Patsey Ramsey,
On the 20th anniversary of this tragic event, specialists used the word “we” when telling the 911 what happened
came together in an attempt to reopen this unsolved (we have a kidnapping), that is remarkable because
case and to finally bring justice to the little girl. The there is supposedly no claimed ownership, hence the
team led by former FBI agent Jim Clemente and use of such word raises question marks. The mother
Scotland Yard former criminal behavior analyst Laura also does not mention to the operator that it was her
Richards included statement analyst Stan Burke, daughter that was missing, which is unusual behavior
forensic pathologist Dr. Werner Spitz, former chief in such circumstance. Patsey also hangs up, which
investigator for the Boulder District Attorney James people in distress usually do not do, because to them,
Kolar, forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee and forensic 911 is the only help, hence the only hope. Before Patsey
linguist James Fitzgerald. The process of reinvestigating hung up, there was 6 seconds of silence, which,
opened all the files and evidence of the case and apparently, she did not pay attention to the fact that
analyzed them with an open mind in order to she was still on line. When those seconds where
hypothesize and test all the offered speculative enhanced with new technology, 3 different voices were
theories. found, one is obviously Burke’s, JonBenet’s brother,
who, prior to that, was thought to have been asleep
during this whole mess.
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MAY 2019