Foster Care Foster Care | Page 4


It is a quiet and peaceful evening, the activities of the day are dwendling down. The household is at rest. Like many evenings we have all experienced.

At percisely the same moment that you gather your sheets and crawl into bed, a child reaches for the sheets of a foriegn bed in a strangers house. A child solely defending its right to survive in the unknown abyss of foster care.

How then can we expect this child to seep through the night without their parents, siblings, pets, or stuffed animals? Each case has its own reasons, putting nearly 500,000 innocent children in the home of aliegn families.

Worst of all, this is not even the childs biggest concern. The most pressing fear is what will happen when the sun sheds light upon a new day. Not sure if there will be food to eat, clothes to wear, or things to play with because all that they originally had was left behind.