Forza GDPR Guide Forza GDPR Guide | Page 7

GD PR Right to be informed Powered by insight...Driven by results What data are you collecting about me? Powered by insight...Driven by results You might be thinking, “nope, I’m not collecting any data”. If you use any tracking tools on your website, like Google Analytics, then yes you are. People have the right to know what personal information you’re storing about them. And what you might do with that data. The law applies to data which could be traced back to an individual. That even includes things like their computer’s IP address. If your site doesn’t have an updated Privacy Policy, it needs one to comply. It needs to tell people what you’re going to do. You will also probably need to update your cookies notice. We can help you to update this information, edit and customise it for your business, and remove the bits that don’t apply. Ask us about adding/updating your Privacy Policy page. 021 2409065 [email protected] 7