Forward Wakeboard Magazine Edition 3 | Page 4

Contents On the cover 8 - 1080’s - Noticed a sudden explosion in 1080’s... here’s the history. Credits Editor - Luke Thomas Sub Editor - Jess Tucker Content contibutors - Jeff Weatherall, Paul Maguire, Brad Smeele, Mead Norton, Hazel Lund, Logan Collier. 14 - Don’t Blow Your ACL - Speaks for itself. Photographers - Luke Thomas, Simon Norton, Jeff Weatherall, Logan Collier, Mead Norton, Sam Christie, Epic, Craig Rackham, Rahman, Jess Tucker. 20 - Cold water winching - A day trip with Online magazine hosting - 24/7 Web Hosting, Christchurch. Everything you need to know about blowing, or not blowing your ACL. some grommies to hit our first winch spot. Regulars 5 - News - Keep up todate. What’s been going on! Advertising - [email protected] To contibute to Forward Wake please email [email protected] with your idea, or whatever you have. Disclaimer Forward Wakeboard Magazine produces or has permission for all media used within this magazine. No unauthorised re-production is permitted. Facts are checked thoroughly, however we are human and despite our best efforts we make mistakes, we are not to be held responsible for the results of any actions based on our facts. Wakeboarding is a dangerous sport, and the athletes featured within this magazine are professionaly trained - please ride within your ability. Any medical information explained within is for your information only and not a substitute for a doctor or physiotherapist. If you are injured, see a doctor for the relevant referal. 6 - Editorial - The regular ramblings of a wake editor. 24 - The Interview - Catching up with Kiwi rider Logan Collier on his US Road Trip. 28 - Where the hell is Weatherall - Keeping up to date with Jeff Weatherall on his master of all trade’s, jet set lifestyle. 34 - Educate - Learn a backside Shuvvit with Paul Maguire. 36 - Been There - Our take on the events we have been to. 38 - Riding Spots - Place’s to go. This time a report from Malaysia. 42 - Gear - Stuff to spend your dollars on. 44 - Gallery - Shots from photographers around New Zealand. The Cover Shot - Nick Morris hitting a 6ft waterfall drop whilst Simon Norton backflips over the top. If you see the photo of the landing later in the magazine, the splashes were inredibly close. Don’t try this at home. Shot by Luke Thomas, Nikon 10.5mm, F5.6, ISO 200 Forward Wakeboard Magazine NZ is a New Zealand Registered company.