Forward Wakeboard Magazine Edition 1 | Page 22

Part 1 And then I get the bad new that JStar internationa l has sold out to Europe and is basically going under... So Scotty B, Lidburg and I lost our jobs.... Shit house...! Hows it going everyone?... This is the first edition of ‘Where the Hell is Weatherall”... Anyways a great way to forget all about that was to head to haha so bare with me... Hawaii for 5 weeks which I do every I’ll back date a little just to get you all up year to chase some big waves. to speed. Summer was crazy... X Games, US Open of surfing, Surfer Cross, Now 2011 has come around, and currently Im riding on LF ... Loving the new product and boards and stoked to Action Sports and Retail show, Surf Expo. I was living in So Cal the past couple of years, be on a good team. At Wakewars in Melbourne I was the head judge cause I was having a but with the global finacial crisis going on and sponsors not paying nearly as much as they used to few shoulder issues... but now I’m back and as motivated as ever to ride. I headed back to Orlando. I moved in with fellow shredder Aaron Rathy. It was awesome living back on a lake again in the hot Orlando weather... We had a great set up with skate ramp, rails in the water, jet ski and boats.. Ive spent the last three weeks with Adam Dodd the Creator of Wake All the things a pro rider needs. Trick Guru which is a new Iphone app that is a wakeboard instruc tional. So we have been all over Sydney filming and then spending We spent a bit of time at the end of the a bit of time doing voice overs for it all... Yeah my voice sounds season filming with Sideswipe Produc slow on it.. but thats only so the Euro’s and Americans can understand tions for their new film ‘Intransit’ which what I’m on about... will be released later in 2011. Got a few new things in the works so keep an eye out. From there I headed over to France, I plan on being back at the nationals Spain and Portugal to meet up with my this year and am gunning hard to get my brother Greg who films the WCT Pro title back...!!! So well see ya all there. tour of surfing... We spent three weeks traveling across Europe, surfing and Until next time. having a killer time. During that time we were in Portugal and the local JSTAR Jeff Weatherall distributer hooked us up and took me out to an amazing lake where we spent the afternoon shredding glass all by oursleves.... All season we have been working with Jstar on the New Jeff weatherall pro model board... the Brigade... its finally done... We do the photo shoots for it... It gets released at Surf Expo...