Forward Wakeboard Magazine Edition 1 | Page 18

Josh >>16 Cable ski is nothing new, infact Bruno Rixen built the first cable-ski proto-type in early 60’s. The Number of cable’s grew slowly througout the world over the past 45 years or so, however over the last 5 years the amount of new cable parks worldwide has exploded. The y the c ear of able ?? 2’s riding, or you can pay about $1500 for a years NZ’s pass giving you a year of first cable opened unlimited cable riding, or to the public early in 2010. between $30-45 for an The cable itself is a 2 tower hours solid riding. Of-coursesystem, designed and built this isn’t the only reason by the team that run it! The people ride cable, but its cable is located just south of definitely a factor. It makes Ashburton, about an hour wakeboarding accessible south of Christchurch. At About 5 years ago there to people that can’t afford the moment there is a small were in the region of 100 to buy a boat, a truck to kicker and a short rail, cable parks world-wide, tow the boat, and then the however a new ‘epic’ rail there are now verging on gas to put in the boat! And is pretty near completion.... 190 cable parks world-wide that’s a good thing. stay tuned. excluding the new 2 point cable systems! So love it or The surge in cable’s hasn’t Another ‘home built’ 2 hate it, cable wakeboarding skipped NZ as you may tower cable has opened looks like it is here to stay. have noticed. There are cur- up in Ruakaka (about You might want to know rently 2 active cable parks 25min south on SH1 from why, but come on... think and a third full cable system Whangarei, or 1.5hrs north about it. You can spend the due for completion in Dec of Auckland). Lakeside best part of $500 filling 2011. Cable isn’t officially open... Lakeside Cable Photo Cre dit: Natali e Lorenz ...yet, but has been open to willing ‘cable testers’ since September, and it sounds like things are going pretty well, with plans in the pipeline for floodlit night riding and some new obstacles. The third cable park isn’t exactly built yet. But we’ve got it on pretty good authority that its 90% off the way there, infact as I write this they have just had their DOC approved, which is a huge step forward. This is a full 5 point Rixen cable due to be installed at Porirua’s Aotea Lagoon in Wellington as early as the end of winter this year, opening to the public in December. Unfortunately the wake park has come across a few objections at the planning stage from locals un-educated in the way of ‘ski boarding’. So lets get behind it and make it happen. There’s also a few more rumours floating around of more full cable’s going forward to the planning permissions stage, it’s about time NZ gained a few more cable monkeys. By Luke Thomas