Forward Movement Magazine Winter Issue 1 2015/2016 | Page 44

T U O K L A W I WHEN I HAVE TO ON STAGEOUT THERE GO I T A H T G N THINKI OPPING AM JAW-DURS! I HAVE GORGEO E DARING TO HAVE TDHNESS AND WIL F O E C N E D I F CON A, THE LADY GAGY-NESS FUN FLIRRT SWIFT, OF TAYLO LSO THE BUT A OISE P D N A S S A CL . E T A K S S E C OF PRIN and 2 women. This is my 15 seconds of fame to show off all of the HARD WORK that I’ve put into my body in hopes that it will land me the respect I want so desperately. When I walk out on stage I have to go out there thinking that I am jaw-dropping GORGEOUS! I have to have the daring wildness and confidence of Lady Gaga, the fun flirty-ness of Taylor Swift, but also the class and poise of Princess Kate. Trust me, it’s not like you think. I’ve seen girls walk out and try to sex it up and pose in stripperesque poses. Those girls DO NOT place well. The judges are not amused and not impressed. I’m so nervous that my smile shakes and even my legs shake a little bit, and my entire body is tense. I am hoping the tension is showing off some muscle tone at least. I keep constant eye contact LOCKED with the judges. I hit my poses with as much grace as possible given that I’m wearing 5 inch heels. When I’m done I head to the blue line while I stand there STARING down the judges, sucking in my stomach and shifting my weight, trading hands on my hips, all with my most beautiful, happy smile on my face. Bodybuilding is so much more than being able to look good naked. Remember the Seinfeld episode, when Jerry tells George about how there’s “good naked” and “bad naked”. It’s all smoke and mirrors. You have to present yourself in just the right way. You CANNOT walk out on stage with the mentality that you have a better body than the other competitors. NO! NO! NO! You will lose if that’s your thought process. There will always be someone else out there to humble you. Really, it is just as much your mind you are putting out there as it is your body. I think - 44 - anyone that’s competed knows that. You may be wondering why I do this, why I put myself through this? What kind of example am I presenting to young girls out there about body image? What type of mom am I being to my children by chasing this kind of dream? You see, I want to compete like I want to breathe. I do it because it pushes me to a new level of physical and mental toughness others only imagine. It has made me realize I am 1000X more amazing and capable than 16 year old skinny Leanna ever thought possible. It has helped me to accept myself the way God made me. To love my every flaw and realize that those flaws are what make me different and special. There will always be a girl that’s prettier than me, a girl with a tinier waistline, a girl with better quad definition, but there will NEVER EVER be another Leanna Baucum on stage. I focus on being the fittest and most beautiful version of ME possible. It has taught me to feel enormous amounts of compassion for others and anyone trying to make a change with their lifestyle or body. I want to inspire others to realize their true potential, especially my children! I am a bodybuilder. This is my art, my craft. My body is the clay and I mold it and sculpt it with my diet and my workouts. To be able to have this type of control is an empowering feeling. I can tell you when it’s over, yes the high is worth the pain. Again, it is the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But when you step out on that stage, give the judges your absolute best, stand on the blue line and wait… AND then you hear the judges call out your number in the first round, in that moment, that feeling…there is nothing like it IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!