Forward Movement Magazine Winter Issue 1 2015/2016 | Page 36

36 ANATOMY FORWARD talk IT’S NOT YOU IT’S YOUR ADRENALS If you had a dollar every time you heard someone say “why are you so moody,” “you’re always tired and look worn out,” “where is your motivation these days; I hardly even recognize you anymore,” you would be rich by now! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I have seen client after client with this very same story. They feel like they’ve lost control, have a difficult time coping with stress, living with feelings of despair and helplessness; and they are literally sick and tired of being sick and tired! Finding energy is a struggle, the desire to exercise is nonexistent and binge eating to cope with stress (as well as other destructive behaviors) is quite the norm! Sound like anyone you know? Maybe even you yourself can relate or find some truth in all of this. ARTICLE BY Amy Rios [email protected] Amy Rios has a BS in Fitness and Human Performance and has worked over 10 years in the Houston area as a Wellness Coach and Functional Nutritionist. She currently runs her own business, Renew You Wellness, helping individuals to reach their health and wellness goals through healthier lifestyle habits and mind transformation.