Forward Movement Magazine SUMMER ISSUE 2016 | Page 46

I was called by a soldier to come to the trauma room my 1SGT. wanted to see me. As I entered, there were about 5 of us standing around a body covered on a gurney. Long story short, the person underneath the sheet was one of my Battles. The word “Battle” when speaking of a fellow soldier, has more meaning then a friend or a brother, it is a unity brought together by the spilling of blood and united by the oath we took to defend our loved ones, and honor this country under the eyes of God. My Battle had passed away during this event and I was nowhere to assist in trying to save his life. I had been blown up in a vehicle explosion, shot at, and our facility was mortared almost every single day and night; but losing my Battle is the one experience that made me truly feel helpless and out of control. I did not believe in humanity anymore and my emotions were cold. It doesn’t matter how well trained you are for war, nothing can ever train or prepare you for the reality of seeing a fellow soldier take his last breath or seeing a soldier die. There is nothing in my power to bring them back to life, back to their families, or back to fighting at your side. The hope of going home together marching side by side is gone. PHOTOGRAPHY // James Allen,