Forward July 2021 | Page 35

and in Perth , we are in some ways shielded from the levels of climate change and inequality that Hannon and Peterson and Fullan allude to , but it is naive to think that these forces will not have an impact on us directly in our lifetime and certainly in the lifetime of the young people currently in our School .
Yielding to a pessimistic or indifferent view about these events , as someone privileged to work with young people , I am truly optimistic that these problems and trends can be addressed and solutions found to ‘ shape the future shifts ’ which are coming .
The role of schools is to ensure we really address the ‘ what for ’ and provide opportunities to our students so they are equipped to become ‘ creative achievers ’ who ensure the sustainability of themselves and the planet . I have attempted to summarise the key themes identified by Hannon and Peterson in Thrive : The purpose of Schools in a changing world ( 2021 ), as I believe they provide an outstanding framework for the purpose of school and for our students in the future :
In developing our ‘ what for ’ we need to acknowledge :
Our planet is at a tipping point
• Extinction of species at unprecedented rates
• Climate crisis
• We are in the ‘ Anthropocene Age ’ - unprecedented growth in population , emissions , production , plastics , waste
The impact technology will have on the way we live will only become more prominent
• Job disruption due to robotics and automation
• Artificial intelligence
• Global interconnectivity
What it means to be ‘ human ’ is changing
• Genetic Engineering
• Human enhancement
• Convergence of human bodied with AI
In order to enable humans and our planet to ‘ thrive ’ in the future , we should address the key dimensions which will impact :
Planetary / global
• Live sustainably
• Protect the Earth ’ s eco-system
• Acquire global competence
• Navigate a disrupted and uncertain landscape of work
• Reinvent a participative , authentic and meaningful democracy
• Loving and respectful relationships in diverse , technologised societies
• Engage with and learn from other generations
• A secure sense of self
• Responsibility for personal health , fitness and wellbeing
Hannon has identified schools globally that are acting as ‘ pathfinders ’ in their approach to address the capabilities that could form the basis for future schooling .
Human Identity
Principles in addressing future challenges
Ethical Leadership
Building our technological future
Promoting a thriving natural environment
Career navigation
Growing change makers and entrepreneurs
In considering these ideas , it is reassuring to be able to look back at our history , and Charles Harper ’ s vision for the school 125 years ago . That the School should seek to provide “ an excellent all-round education , preparing students to be ethical and intelligent leaders and citizens ” ( White , 1996 ). These tenets still hold true as integral
Mr Brad Evans , Head of Senior School
to the core of the education we provide and have a strong synergy with what will be required of schooling in the next 125 years . Certainly , our current commitment to creating citizens who will contribute to a just , loving and peaceful society also provides an outstanding foundation to work from .
So , is there a role for schools to play in the future ? And could education be digitised and outsourced to big tech companies like other parts of our lives are ? My response is that they are more important than ever . In conclusion , I share with you remarks from Hannon ’ s address which I believe are important , not just for young people and educators , but for parents , politicians and business to all be aware of and embrace as we Go Forward .
“ The social insinuation of school is a vital component in thriving communities ; and in fostering the well-being of young people- if the institution is redesigned ... we need to see them as a fundamental element in the range of new solutions humankind must evolve if we are to overcome and transcend the existential challenges that confront us .” ( Hannon , The Future School is Here , 2020 )
Mr Brad Evans Head of Senior School
References Fullan , M . ( 2019 ). The battle of the century : Catastrophe versus evolutionary nirvana . Australian Education Leader , 42 ( 1 ), 8-10 .
Hannon , V . ( 2020 ). The Future School is Here . Australian Learning Lecture . Koshland Education Innovation .
Hannon , V ., & Peterson , A . ( 2021 ). Thrive : The purpose of schools in a changing world . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .
White , M . ( 1996 ). Go Forward ! Guildford Grammar School 1896-1996 : a history . Fremantle Arts Centre Press .