Forward July 2020 | Page 31

PREPARATORY SCHOOL Tatem: “Everyone was there encouraging you and pushing you on to be confident to get up and say your speech. People you were competing with for the leadership role were still very supportive.” The School Captains also shared their favourite things about being a School Captain. Summer: “Getting to represent the School knowing that I am one of the leaders.” Adoni: “If I didn’t get School Captain, I don’t think things would be different as you don’t need a badge to be leader, although it does feel good to be a Captain.” Michael: “I really enjoy being able to speak at assemblies and help out the younger kids at school.” Summer:“One of the best parts about being a leader is the Student Council meetings as this is when all the ideas come together, and we can actually do things for the School and students.” Dr Holly Miller Deputy Head of Preparatory School Gemma Georgia Caleb and Albert 31