Forward July 2019 July 2019 | Page 37

Our Early Learners have lots of whys !
“ How does a rainbow get all of its colours ?” Mary
“ Why does a dinosaur look like a crocodile ” Michael
“ Why do horses have a long neck ?” Sienna
“ Why do fish sparkle ?” Lilly
“ Why do cars go fast ?” Riaan
“ How do the leaves fall down ?” Macquarie
“ How do bikes work ?” Indiana
“ Why does a giraffe have a really long neck ?” Morgan
“ How can planes go high in the sky and fast even they are so big ?” Hamish
“ How do motorbikes go so fast ?” Summer
“ How do people make Lego ?” Eric
Connection to nature is an integral part of our Early Learning program with our expansive natural environment providing opportunities for discovery , enquiry and rich conversations and for children to build confidence and positive risk-taking skills , both of which are key capabilities for future academic success .
Our Early Learners are explorers at heart and our stunning campus is their classroom .
We currently have a small number of vacancies in our 3-year-old Little Explorers program and Kindergarten for 2020 . Please contact our Registrar on 9377 9247 or visit www . ggs . wa . edu . au / early-learning for further information .