Forward January 2021 | Page 2


Gratitude optimism and the pandemic

What an amazing year it has been ! One of incredible opportunity and certainly some challenges along the way . I have been so impressed and buoyed by the resilience I have seen in everybody , particularly , our students . This year was not the year we thought we were going to have . This is a year in which we have done things like we have never done before and , throughout it all , our students , staff , Old Guildfordians and families have been simply incredible .
This year , we have witnessed our School community ’ s capacity to deal with disruption and change . I believe that this has come about through a number of deliberate actions . This includes focus on our active support of individuals and groups who were showing signs of stress or concern , commitment to seeking alternative ways of connecting and being ‘ present ’ with one another , and with unwavering optimism and practice of gratitude .
Crises , such as natural disasters and emergency events , often reveal that individuals and communities can , and do , thrive in harsh conditions . There are many studies indicating that if people have a grateful disposition in the face of serious
“ The pandemic has led to a greater appreciation of the things in life that matter most at
Guildford Grammar School ” hardship and suffering , they can recover more quickly . Certainly , the pandemic has led to a greater appreciation of the things in life that matter most at Guildford Grammar School . This was clearly evident when our students and staff were able to return to Term 2 , after a brief period of school closure ; the warmth , enthusiasm and tangible relief expressed by all affirmed the efforts we invest in our relationships at Guildford Grammar School .
Nearly a decade of research by Dr Robert Emmons , Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Positive Psychology , has found that people who consistently practice gratitude are healthier , happier and have better relationships . When we make time to attend to what we are grateful for and reframe threats as challenges , we choose positive emotions over negative , therefore nurturing our mental health and wellbeing . I am sure you will find evidence of our School ’ s optimism and resilience throughout this edition of the Forward .
I thank all our community for your wonderful flexibility , your good humour and your good sense . It has been a year like no other ; but we have emerged stronger and more agile , and for this , I am grateful and optimistic about what lies ahead .
Mrs Anne Dunstan Principal
References Emmons , R ., 2008 . Thanks !. New York : Houghton Mifflin Co .
Littlefield , C ., 2020 . Use Gratitude To Counter Stress And Uncertainty . [ online ] Harvard Business Review . Available at : https :// hbr . org / 2020 / 10 / use-gratitude-to-counterstress-and-uncertainty [ Accessed 8 December 2020 ].