Forward Issue #12 - July 2019 | Page 3

A Note From the Editor:

Dear Friends,

A while ago, I was sitting in a music conference. The speaker was talking about the music programs in our local churches. He made the statement, "It's your direction, not perfection, that matters."

So often we're too chicken to attempt something because we are afraid that we won't get it 'just right." Added to this internal struggle is the very real concern that if what you are trying to do isn't "perfect" you will face criticism from the very people you are trying to serve with your music, your message, or your avenue of ministry.

God knows.

God knows how much time you had - or didn't have - to prepare.

God knows your health - or lack thereof.

God knows your emotional state.

God knows your capability. - We don't all have the same level of talent.

We often talk about ministering to please God, not the audience we serve.

What we don't realize is that "perfection" is not attainable. But direction...getting better for the glory of God day by day. That's a goal that we can pursue.

Your best for God fluctuates depending on the day. Why? Because each day brings different health, emotional, and time constraints. God knows...even if your "audience" doesn't.

Until next time,

Have a happy day!

Jason Homan