From the Archives: Henn’s House 1962
Back Row: T M Newnes, J M Davison, J E Leeson, R H Watkins,
B M A Ghazali, T H Geh, J Ko, J Mc Johnston,
L G Bartram, R V Hudson, J B J Bayly, M W Treloar,
M D Brooke. Third Row:
Fifth Row: M W Reid, S C Lavinder, P M Newnes, B W Bywater,
R E Wilson, C W Reid, M L Hogg, J A Clafton, G N Collins,
W T Martin, PJ Emory, D R Errey, G Snook. Second Row: P A Rintoul, C R Stout, A B Jamal, P F Foreman,
M H Paterson, Mr A J W Clarke, Mr F W Chinn,
R B Ismail, C P Tan, J F Dunne, M R Macaulay.
Fourth Row: R D Walker, J W Growden, D M Ohrt, D R Clarke,
A D G Dempster, R A Randall, R T Sadleir, S G Carroll,
P R McLagan, J E Ladyman, C G Sadleir, A J McDaniell,
P M Sadler.
Front Row:
M O’Shaughnessy, N A Wallace, D L Bond,
H Hamzah, K V Sadleir, B J Rose, M M Fowler,
K Scott, G J Morgan, I D Brett, R J Millsteed,
G R Gibson, C G L Hebiton, S T Rintoul.
L E C Coppin, R T Bayly, D C Craven, B S C Joel,
R A Stokes, A C Stokes, R J M Carter, I R Royce,
T C G Fam.
Not in photo: P Boucousis, K Herbert, J Keir-Cross, P T Scanlon.
Stirling House 1962
Can you help identify the boys in the 1962 Stirling House photo? A list of possible names can be supplied by the Archivist.
Please contact Rosemary Waller on (08) 9377 9212 or email [email protected].
Thank you to all the Old Boys who helped identify the 1962 Henn’s House photo published in the last Forward.