Postcards from everywhere:
Book Week this year was based on the theme “Escape to
Everywhere”. To set the scene and gather some interest we put out
the challenge for students to write a postcard from wherever they
were holidaying in the mid-year three week break.
It didn’t matter where students were holidaying, whether it be in
their own backyard or in a far reaching country, we just wanted to
hear from our students and read about their holiday adventures. We
were absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed with the response as we
received over 200 postcards from local locations, WA destinations,
Australian landmarks and even a few amazing locations such as
Disney Land, Ireland and Corsica. All 200 are proudly on display in
the Preparatory School Library.
There were many standouts. There was a beautiful card from one
student who wrote of “exploring and reacquainting” himself
with his own backyard. The postcard was incredibly creative and
beautifully written. We also received multiple postcards from families
who were travelling around and through Australia.
It is believed the “Postcards from Everywhere” challenge became
all-consuming for some families and rules had to be put in place
to ensure the trip did not become secondary to the hunting and
sending of postcards! In the words of one student, Dad put in place