Science – AIGO excursion
Almost 100 years ago, Albert Einstein put
forward the idea that the formation of the
early universe caused ripples in the fabric of
space-time. However, he conceded that such
ripples would be so weak as to be impossible
to detect. Today, we call these ripples
gravitational waves and advances in science
and technology proved their existence in
On August 3, the students of the STRIVE
Advanced Science class along with Mr
Foster and Dr Hunt attended a day-long
workshop at the Australian International
Gravitational Observatory (AIGO), a research
facility located near Gingin, which was part
of the worldwide effort to directly detect
gravitational waves. Activities throughout the
day were facilitated by Professor David Blair
(Wb 61-63), from the University of Western
Australia, and several of his PhD students
who are currently involved in gravitational
wave research.
The day began with a role-play illustrating
the history behind the discovery and evolving
understanding of electromagnetic waves over
a century. Some students played the parts of
the key researchers – Heinrich Hertz, Albert
Einstein and Richard Feynman.
After this, PhD student Rahul Kumar
Choudhary facilitated a presentation
outlining the unusual properties of light,
specifically its wave-like behaviour despite
consisting of individual photons. Students
were shown images of individual photons
arriving at a target, yet amazingly grouping
to form wave patterns. They also grappled
with the paradox that during wave
interference one plus one equals two, but
one plus one also equals zero. Other activities
aimed to develop an understanding that
light creates radiation pressure and can push
matter that it strikes; for example, the laser
used in the AIGO facility can move a large
mirror about ten micrometres. Students were
also given the opportunity to ask current PhD
students questions about their research and
the AIGO facility. The first part of the day
concluded with a virtual tour of the AIGO
laboratory which contains lasers sensitive
enough to be able to detect movements
smaller than the width of a proton.
Unfortunately, the students were not able
to enter the main laboratory because of the
quarantine procedures, which exceed those
for surgical theatres in hospitals.
During the second half of the day, students
participated in a series of experiments with
lasers. They were given the opportunity to
measure the width of one of their own hairs
in micrometres by interpreting data resulting
from the interference between their hair and
a laser. Students were also able to observe
the bewildering array of interference patterns
caused by passing a laser through the surface
of a soap bubble.
Before and after the workshop, the students
completed questionnaires that will provide
data for a PhD project investigating whether
it is beneficial to Einsteinian physics to
secondary students. Thus, the students made
their own contribution to progress of Science.
Dr Brian Hunt
Science Teacher