Adapting to technology
The word ‘technology’ can elicit a range
of responses depending on how people view
the world and the changes in technology
that impact on our daily lives. The rate of
change continues to increase and in the
words of Marc Benioff, “the only constant in
the technology industry is change.”
In the end, technology remains a tool
that human beings utilise and we are
the ones who can choose to use it in a
positive or negative fashion. This is directly
linked to our values and how we each
decide to uphold them as members of
the community; students, staff, parents
and Old Guildfordians.
In this context it is essential that schools
provide an education that enables students
to utilise the latest technology as a
tool to support their learning, embrace
changes that occur and be excited by the
opportunities for growth and development
that this can provide.
In this edition of the Forward you will read
a number of articles that highlight the
pervasive use of technology throughout
the School and demonstrates clearly how
students are enthused and engaged by these
learning experiences.
Students have been involved in cocurricular
events such as the Human Powered Vehicle
Challenge (Pedal Prix), the Electric Vehicle
Challenge, the Robotics Club, Solar Car and
Boat competitions and the Aurecon Bridge
Building competition, which all provide
them with the opportunity to demonstrate
teamwork and ingenuity when utilising
technology in these team challenges.
The Senior School has implemented a ‘Bring
Your Own Device’ (BYOD) Go Forward IT
program that enables students to bring in
their own technology device to support their
learning in the classroom, whilst the School
still provides an extensive range of laptop
and desktop computers throughout the
School. This program has enabled flexibility
and the opportunity for students to utilise
technology that meets their personal needs
and preferences.
Headmaster Mr Stephen Webber
One of the key requirements of the BYOD
program is that all devices must still run
through the School’s Wi-Fi and filtering
software. It is important that students are
educated to use mobile devices responsibly
and respectfully and the School has been
proactive in this area, with Foundation guest
speaker Brett Lee presenting to students and
parents on Cyber-safety and the involvement
of our Year 9 Cyber-safety ambassadors in
the ECU Cyber-savvy research project.
We are often reminded of the risks associated
with social media and the negative outcomes
from poor decisions made by young people;
however, it is important that we also
acknowledge the considerable potential
for positive outcomes when social media
is used constructively. I was reminded of
this when seeing my 16 year-old daughter’s
face light up when she received a flood of
very supportive birthday messages several
years ago and also when we share positive
messages through the School community.
I often discuss our Purpose statement
‘Inspiring students to achieve personal
excellence and to be outstanding citizens
who work to create a just, loving and
peaceful society’ and our key School values
with the students. This year staff members
have delivered key addresses at assemblies
on each of our values of Excellence, Respect,
Integrity, Spirituality, Team-work and
In sharing the news of the passing of
former Chief Justice, The Honourable
David Malcolm AC CitWA KCSJ QC, Old
Guildfordian (Sc 1950-55) with the students
and in reflecting on his life, it was powerful
to articulate how highly he was regarded
as a man who lived our School Purpose.
Time and time again the columns of the
obituaries in the West Australian referred to
his kindness, compassion, generosity of spirit
and his extensive contribution to so many
organisations throughout the State, with a
focus on service, justice and equality.
David was a most highly respected leader in
the WA Legal profession, who also found the
time and energy to provide incredible service
to the School community over decades.
He served as an Honorary Fellow of School
Council (71-98) and Chairman of School
Council (80-82) and was a driving force
behind the development of the Foundation,
serving as President (87-93). He was also
Chairman of the Chapel Appeal in 1987
and Chairman of the School Centenary
Committee as well as being a Rhodes Scholar
in 1960 and Captain of School in 1955. He
was awarded Honorary Life Membership of
the OGA, the Council and the Foundation
which is an indication of the exceptionally
high esteem in which he was held.
David’s life and the gifts he shared will long
be a reminder and an example to all in the
School community of the importance of
using your gifts to the full and in giving of
yourself to the broader community.
Mr Stephen Webber
Electric Vehicle Challenge.