Recruiting 101:
How California State University,
Dominguez Hills, grew their
Chapter from 62 members to
103 in one semester
The California State University, Dominguez Hills, PRSSA Chapter
executive board. Photo courtesy of Claudia Uballez.
California State Universi- printed flyers with a picture of
ty, Dominguez Hills put their Billy Rae Cyrus.
Chapter on the map this year
In the end, the Dominguez
by growing their membership Hills Chapter reached a rewell into the triple
The key components to
digits. Last August,
awareness of PRSSA
the Dominguez Hills
Chapter had 62 mem- was advertising by word-ofbers on their roster. mouth. Board members came
Once the November together as a team to create
deadline approached,
buzz about PRSSA.
the Chapter reported a
total of 103 members consisting cord-breaking attendance of
of returning and new members. 130. To achieve a triple-digit atMost Chapters across the tendance, banners were created
nation know how challenging and pinned to all the approved
it is to grow membership and bulletin boards to keep everykeep members engaged with one informed. Board members
the organization. One of the also went into classes to make
initiatives that the current ex- announcements. Our dirececutive board worked on was tor of member services stated,
scheduling most of the semes- “I believe what worked for the
ter activities ahead of time with Mullet Mixer was that we pera variety of events including sonally called people to invite
bi-weekly meetings, keynote them.”
speakers, agency tours, fundThe key components to raisraisers, internships and volun- ing awareness of PRSSA was
teering opportunities. Planning advertising by word-of-mouth.
keeps members anticipating up- Board members came together
coming events.
as a team to create buzz about
At Dominguez Hills, the PRSSA. Soon after, communicommunications major focus- cations students began to feel
es equally on advertising and as though they were missing
public relations. In order to an opportunity, which lead to
engage current and potential urgency to join the organizamembers, the Chapter focused tion. Chapter leaders began
on creating a campaign based visiting the waiting room of the
on our meetings.
communications department to
To kick off fall semester, the network with everyone. A group
executive board hosted a simi- of executive board members
lar event like Biola University would introduce themselves and
called “Mullet Mixer; Business use one-liners such as, “Hello,
in the front and party in the what’s your name and major?”
back.” The goal of the “Mul- followed by sharing the benefits
let Mixer” was to inform re- of joining PRSSA.
turning and potential members
The kicker was that at the
the benefits of joining PRSSA. end of the meetings, alumni
The meeting was hosted at the were invited to the bi-monthly
Loker Student Union (LSU) meetings to share how PRSSA
ballroom, then followed by a aided in their personal and promixer in the LSU terrace with fessional growth. This message
appetizers, refreshments and became powerful in gaining
music. The board created and and keeping members.
Ten Steps From a Professional for
Preparing for the Job Market
About 30 years ago, I wondered
what to do to prepare for a career
that would utilize what I learned
from studying public relations
and communications. Chances
are, many of you are wondering
the same thing.
The “a-ha” moment came for
me in a magazine writing class.
To pass this class, students had to
write a real inquiry to the magazine’s editor. The hope was that
if the editor said yes, you might
actually get paid to write the article. While I didn’t get my first
paid writing assignment, I did obtain something more valuable: my
first rejection letter and a lesson in
the school of hard knocks. But I
persisted and eventually I pitched
that editor again about another
story. The editor liked it, and I
was paid $50.
I’d like to share a few more of
these lessons with you now:
fessors to put you in touch with
alumni, reach out to the Champions for PRSSA or go to PRSA
events and meetings where you
can meet working professionals.
Learn to accept
“no” graciously.
Asking can lead to the elation of
hearing “yes” or the depressing
sound of hearing “no.” I have literally had thousands of ideas and
suggestions rejected by reporters and clients. Don’t argue with
the decision. I’ve learned to always accept rejection with grace.
More important, I’ve learned to
ask those who said “no” to share
why they made their decision, so I
might learn from it and improve
what I’m asking for in the future.
Choose trust
and kindness.
Even if you’re a freshman, you
must take the initiative outside
of the classroom to gain writing
experience. I know that many
college students struggle with
paying college expenses, but set
aside time in your schedule to begin developing samples of your
work that you can show to future
employers. These samples could
include articles, videos, social media posts, emails, public relations
plans and more.
People tend do business with
those they know, like and trust.
You may have experienced this
yourself. If one of my trusted
friends asks me to do an informational interview with a relative or
bright college student whom she’s
met, I’m more than likely to do so
because I trust my friend.
So starting today, make a commitment to live a life of integrity,
be kind to others and be generous with your time. You can start
working on this while attending
college, for example, by showing
up to classes and meetings on
time and volunteering in your local community.
Start now!
Take control of your
personal brand.
You know you need to prepare
a resume to apply for a job. But
think bigger. Think about how
you want to write the story of
your career (and life). You’re writing that story now with every post
on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
Instagram and Pinterest. Those
who may hire you will be looking
at those posts. Is that really the
best “you” that you want to put
forward? If not, start writing a
story that showcases your potential, your dreams and what you’re
really capable of.
Write every day.
Get real-life
work experience.
If I’m looking at the resumes of
two recent college graduates, I’m
going to gravitate to the person
who has some work experience.
I think most employers would. So
don’t wait until your senior year
to get an internship. One year, I
used a month-long January break
to write for my hometown newspaper, The Prior Lake American.
I ended that month having six stories published, with an invitation
to write more articles, and most
importantly, a job reference.
Be curious.
In the years to come, technology will continue to transform
the workplace. The true value of
your college education is absorbing new material and ideas and
adapting them to new applications. In the decades to come, you
will need to continuously re-train
yourself to keep up with the advances in technology. That’s why
you must stay curious. Be a voracious reader. Travel often to meet
new people and experience new
cultures. Try the latest and greatest new technologies.
To communicate effectively,
you need to continuously work
toward improving your writing.
And believe me, 30 years after my
own start, I know there is a lot of
room for improvement. For an internship or job interview, you’ll go
miles further if you have writing
experience outside of the classroom. Go to your student newspaper and ask if you can write a
story. Volunteer to write the promotional materials for a student
event. When you start your career,
don’t stop. For years, I’ve been
a freelance writer. I’ve learned
invaluable skills by researching,
writing and editing stories about
other people and organizations.
Keep asking “why.”
I recently spoke to an executive
recruiter about what she’s looking
for in a job candidate. She said,
“When I recommend a candidate to one of my clients for a
position, I want them to be crystal clear as to why they do what
they do.” Sometimes we take jobs
because it’s the only thing available, or they fall into our laps. But
the most satisfying job is the job
that you intentionally took. You’ll
encounter many choices throughout your lifetime — choose to act
with intention.
You’ve been asking for things
your entire life, but when it comes
to something new — such as asking a reporter to consider writing
a story about your company or
your client — it can feel like a
harrowing experience. Learning
to ask people for things is an art.
How can you learn? Ask for an
informational interview. Ask to
volunteer for a cause you believe
in. Ask if you can lead a project.
There are many opportunities
you will never experience if you
don’t ask.
No matter how much you learn
in college, there’s one thing it
doesn’t prepare you for: surviving
the early years as a new professional. Fortunately, PRSA and the
PRSA New Professionals Section
can help you navigate these challenges. For those who will soon
graduate, here are some answers
to your burning questions about
joining PRSA and finding value
in it.
Why do you recommend
joining PRSA?
Jenna Mosley, New Pros PRSSA
Co-Liaison: Even when you have
a full-time job, you should always
be thinking about career development, building a network and
broadening your experience. By
joining PRSA right at the start of
your career, you’re able to build
that development into your professional routine. So whether you’re
in your first job or your fifth, career development outside the office is part of your professional
Q: How is PRSA similar to and
different from PRSSA?
Lauren Gray, New Pros Taskforce Director: PRSA is really just
grown up PRSSA. The same people that were with you in PRSSA
join PRSA with you, so the fun
just really continues.
Mosley: The main difference is
that everyone in PRSA is a professional. T hat can be a little intimidating as a recent graduate. The
important thing to remember is
that everyone is involved with the
organization for the same reason.
They want to network with you as
much as you want to network with
Stephen Dupont, APR, is vice president of public relations and branded
content for Pocket Hercules, a brand
marketing firm based in Minneapolis.
Do you recommend joining
PRSA right away or waiting?
Ruthann Campbell, New Pros
Programming Co-Chair: I recommend joining right away if
you can afford to. The connections you will make within PRSA
through your local Chapter
are crucial to developing a network with professionals in your
Mosley: I waited a few months
before joining PRSA after graduation only because I wanted to get
settled in my new job first. I don’t
think taking a few months off is
bad, but you should definitely join
within your first year of being a
What are your tips for the
transition from graduate to new
Gray: Be confident in yourself
and your new profession. Always
be willing to learn from every opportunity and don’t let every mistake get you down. Accept challenges and opportunities as they
come and always remember to
have fun with your career. Not everyone starts their first job in their
dream job. It takes work and time
to figure out where you want to be.
Mosley: Stay on top of your
emails. So many opportunities will
come through your inbox from
PRSA because there are so many
ways to get involved.
How can a recent grad get
involved with New Pros?
Jess Noonan, New Pros Committee Chair: Reach out to the
New Pros Committee! We’re
here as a resource to our members and more than happy to
take any ideas you have and get
you more involved. Take advan-
PRSA New Pros at the PRSA 2015 International Conference in Atlanta. Photo courtesy of Heather
“Be confident in yourself and your new
profession. Always be willing to learn
from every opportunity and don’t let
every mistake get you down.”
Lauren Gray,
New Pros Taskforce Director
tage of all that being a New Pro
has to offer. Whether it’s joining
a Tweet Chat, checking out the
blog, hosting a local event during
New Pros Week (Aug. 1–7) or tuning in to our webinar, get the most
out of your membership by being
How can you make PRSA
connections at the local level?
Brian Price, New Pros ChairElect: Do everything you wish
freshmen at your school would do
in PRSSA. Start showing up at
events and don’t be shy with your
peers or experienced professionals. Look for the New Pros Section
of your Chapter and consider getting involved with planning/leadership.
How has volunteering in
PRSA helped you personally
and professionally?
Gemrick Curtom, New Pros
Social Media Co-Chair: Volunteering in PRSA has professionally given me the opportunity to
develop a social media strategy
and execute it using our best practices. Personally, volunteering has
helped me continue developing
my leadership skills. It feels good
knowing the work we do through
PRSA can make an impact.
Q: If you don’t have a job,
how can PRSA membership
help you get one?
Gray: PRSA events are the perfect place to network and meet
connections at places that offer
jobs. You also can continually
check the PRSA Jobcenter.
There’s no doubt about it. The
transition from student to full-time
professional is hard.
Joining PRSA early during your
first year on the job will help you
adjust as you gain a network of
supportive professionals and resources to help continue your education and success.
PRSA Sponsor Chapters: Major Key in PRSSA Success
Indianapolis City Market
PRSSA leaders often struggle with developing ways to connect with their PRSA sponsor Chapter and their PRSA
District, especially because leadership responsibilities in PRSSA Chapters change with each academic year. Bonnie
Upright, APR, and Jo Ann LeSage Nelson, APR, PRSA Board Liaisons to PRSSA, offer these easy ways to make those
connections, and keep them strong.
The year-round market
is located in a renovated
historic landmark. Over 25
local businesses are housed
within the market, which
offer full meals, snacks,
unique gifts, a coffee shop
and more.
When you’re looking
for sponsors for an event,
don’t forget to reach out to
your PRSA sponsor Chapter.
There are often funds available to help support PRSSA
activities. You don’t get, if you
don’t ask.
Build a mentor team.
One of the most valuable assets
you could cultivate in your life is
the trust of a handful of people
who can share with you their life
lessons. You know these people as
mentors. Even today, I still seek
the counsel of a few experienced,
trusted people. Look for a person
who will tell it to you straight, a
cheerleader and a person who is
fantastic at generating ideas. How
do you find them? Ask your pro-
PRSA Transition Tips From New Professionals
The members of your
sponsoring PRSA Chapter are
terrific resources for identifying and contacting speakers,
panelists, judges and others
who can support your programming. Ask for their input
when planning programs.
Invite PRSA members
to speak to your Chapter. They
are eager to meet students interested in the profession and
can offer great advice on internships, resume writing, job
hunting and preparing for your
first public relations job.
Seek invitations to
PRSA Chapter and District
board meetings. There’s a
wealth of information available, from program ideas to
upcoming events to volunteer
development. You can learn
effective leadership skills by
watching how others manage their board and executive
committees. Plus, you just
might be able to offer up an
idea that hasn’t been considered yet.
Offer to volunteer at a
District conference. Districts
often offer volunteer hours in
return for conference registration fees. It’s a great way
to meet professionals in your
area and you get top notch
professional development too!
Ask a PRSA member
to bring you along to an event
and introduce you to PRSA
members there. Having an ally
will make it easier to network
among people you don’t already know. Be sure to bring
a business card, and collect cards from everyone you
Use your social media
channels to cross-promote
Chapter and District events.
Your sponsor Chapter should
be doing the same for you.
Be sure you’re following, liking and sharing each other’s
content. You’ll be the first to
know about trends, jobs and
activities that will benefit your
Be sure your sponsor
Chapter and District leaders know who your Chapter
leaders are. With most PRSA
Chapters using a calendar year, and PRSSA using
a school calendar, contact
names and information can
get lost mid-year. Introduce
your executive board to the
local board when you take office. Put a one-pager together
with names, roles and contact
information. You’ll be remembered for making life easier for
Chapter leaders, and that can
never be overlooked.
Café Patachou
Just a block from the hotel, Café Patachou serves
“Indy’s Best Breakfast”
according to Where Magazine and was named
a “Top Ten Healthiest
Restaurant in the Nation”
by Gourmet Magazine.
Indy is full of passionate
Millennials who love their
city. I am one of them and
look forward to welcoming
you to Indy on Oct. 21.
See you where the “Crossroads of Public Relations”