Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr2,2017 | Page 7

Omid Zargari, David J. Elpern and Gregor B.E. Jemec – Dermatology Mondays: On a Global Scale tosus. I prescribed prednisone 60 mg for 2 months, until cessation of new blisters but I can’t stop the treatment… never. Every time I try to discontinue the prednisone the blisters reappear. The minimal effective dose was 10 mg once a day from 15 months ago until today when the patient presented with a new lesion that started 8 days ago. I decide to increase the dose to 20 mg a day. we think, important differences exist. These are sometimes regarded as obstacles, but in this wide world they are better seen as sources of inspiration, providing global opportunities on a humane scale. Elsewhere the dermatologist might consider treatment with methotrexate or rituximab, but the environment of where we practice shapes our work. Not only the patients’ expectations and diseases are shaped, but also our traditions and oppor- tunities. So, although we may have more in common than We would like to thank all of our colleagues and friends who participated in this work; Otto de Azevedo Bastos, Dario Fai, Sultan al-Khenaizan, Nejib Doss, Douglas Johnson, Koushik Lahiri, Junko Katok, Jose C. Pascual, Yisel Piña Rodriguez and Umit Tursen. Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2017, Vol. 22, No. 2 Acknowledgement S pecial R eport 37