Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 6

Anette Bygum – Establishing a Clinical Trial Unit in Dermato-Venereology at Odense University Hospital, Denmark angioedema disease mechanisms by genetic engineering in pa- tient-derived cells. • Anne Lindegaard Christiansen: Porphyria cutanea tarda: Re- lations to iron overload, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and mortality. • Stine Bjørn Gram: Improved genetic characterization and diag- nostics in hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma: A cohort study. • Azmi Al-Jubury. Schistosome dermatitis in Denmark - Clinical features, occurrence and diagnostics. Research Committee, Strategy and Clinical Trial Unit A Research Committee was established in November 2015 to strengthen the research and strategic priorities at the de- partment. The committee prepares the department’s research strategy and contributes to implementing the department’s and hospital’s research strategy. The corporate vision is: Clinical research makes life easier for patients with skin diseases and allergies. The strategic research areas include: Adherence, response to treatment, quality of life Bradykinin mediated Angioedema Contact dermatitis and contact allergy Cutaneous lupus erythematosus Genodermatoses Hyperhidrosis Pyoderma gangrenosum Skin cancer Teledermoscopy In 2016 a Clinical Trial Unit (CTU) was formerly established, initially as “a part time study nurse with a trolley“ (Fig. 1) and since 2017 with a separate room for clinical studies, two part time study nurses, a physician one day per week together with Fig. 2. Head of department inspecting Clinical Trial Unit. the Clinical Professor and head of the department (Fig. 2). The CTU performs investigator and sponsor-initiated clinical research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. With support from the National Experimental Therapy Part- nership NEXT (see below), a focus on early phase clinical studies has been made involving physicians and nurses in describing standard operating procedures (SOPs). Until now we have performed 3 sponsored clinical trials within the field of hereditary angioedema and one clinical trial within psoriasis. We are preparing another 3 trials within the areas of angioedema and skin cancer. For many of us, it has been a learning experience but also a huge work coordinating the protocols, contracts and economy with sponsor and the collaboration with pharmacy, clinical chemistry and other departments such as nuclear medicine and cardiology. Due to lack of manpower, we have used medical students in the study team, which seemed to be a very good solution. Our first clinical study was a phase IIA randomized, dou- ble-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate a small oral molecule BCX7353 as long-term prophylaxis to reduce attacks in patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE). With 8 recruit- ed patients we happened to be the top recruiter among 26 sites in Europe, Canada and Australia and we are very much looking forward to the publication of study results in NEJM (paper accepted). The Research Committee and CTU now serve as a platform and knowledge base also for investigator initiated projects. Since November 2015 a total of 27 different research protocols have been approved by the Research Committee. The committee seeks to have a high information level in the department and publishes quarterly newsletters to inform all staff about the activities, new rules and funding possibilities (Fig. 3). Fig. 1. Study nurse with her trolley and binders. 68 U niversity C linics in the N ordic C ountries Research should be part of the culture of a university hospital and all employees should take a responsibility for research. Some contribute to the framework and logistics, while oth- Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3