Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 34
Kaare Weismann – Continuing Medical Education
On May 15, 2020 Acta Dermato-Venereologica will celebrate its 100-year anniversary with a
symposium in Stockholm, Sweden.
Chairperson (Olle Larkö)
9.00–10.30 ”ActaDV 100 year; an historic perspective” (Anders Vahlquist)
”Inflammation and wound healing” (tbd)
”Skin fragility and blistering diseases” (Leena Bruckner-Tuderman)
11.00–12.30 ”Psoriasis: News in pathogenesis and therapy” (Jonathan Barker)
”At last – some real progress in atopic dermatitis” (Hywel Williams)
Chairperson (Anders Vahlquist)
13.30–15.00 ”Is permanent cure for genodermatoses in sight?” (Jouni Uitto)
”Melanoma: News in epidemiology and therapy” (Julia Newton-Bishop)
”Itch; scratching the surface is not enough” (Gil Yosipovitch)
15.30–16.30 ”Combatting skin infections: A priority not just in Africa” (Roderick Hay)
”The changing spectrum of STI in Europe” (Angelika Stary)
End of meeting” The promising future of ActaDV” (Olle Larkö)
Answers to CME on pages 94–95
Case 17: 3 (”ugly duckling” with multiple black dots and globules, blue-white area, asymmetry)
Case 18: 2 (targetoid granular pattern, structureless central area, ”galaxy sign”)
Case 19: 1 (central dark pigmentation, residual pigment net, hypopigmented corona)
Case 20: 2 (”coronary vessels” intwined around whitish globules, extending towards the center)
C ontinuing M edical E ducation
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3