Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 29
Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides
P anagiota M antaka
Department of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. E-mail: [email protected]
Panagiota Mantaka, dermatologist in Oslo, defended her thesis titled Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides: A clin-
icopathologic, immunohistochemic and immunogenetic analysis for the degree of PhD at the University of Oslo
on November 14 th , 2018. Main supervisor was Professor Jan Delabie, presently at the University of Toronto,
Canada. Opponents were Professor Rudolf Stadler, University Medical Center Minden, Germany, Associate
Professor Lars Helgeland, University of Bergen, and Professor Berit Flatø, University of Oslo. This thesis is
available at
Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) are a diverse group of
lymphoproliferative diseases each of which is characterized
by distinct clinical and histopathologic features. Mycosis
fungoides (MF) is the most common CTCL. Within MF,
subtypes of the disease are also recognized. Folliculotropic
mycosis fungoides (FMF) is a subtype characterized by more
pronounced involvement of skin appendages and importantly,
has been reported to be associated with a worse prognosis than
conventional MF. The pathogenesis of CTCL, including MF
remains unclear. Even less is known about FMF.
Clinical and histopathologic findings of a Norwegian series
of patients with FMF and of a control group with MF were
described to explore the differences between FMF and MF (1).
Further, T-cell receptor gene (TR) rearrangement analysis of
skin biopsies of FMF patients obtained from different anatomic
sites at time of diagnosis or during the course of disease was
performed to investigate whether the disease arises from one
or potentially multiple T-cell clones (2). Lastly, the amino acid
sequence of the rearranged TR gene and the antigen-presenting
cell subsets were studied in FMF and compared to that of MF to
find potential evidence of selection by particular antigens (3).
These studies confirmed the distinct clinical and histopatho-
logic features of FMF (1). Also, multiple T-cell clones were
found in FMF during the course of the disease (2). This finding
was an indication that chronic T-cell stimulation may be in-
volved in the pathogenesis of FMF. Further TR sequence ana
lysis showed a restricted TRBJ gene usage (TRBJ2-1, TRBJ2-7)
with a recurrent EQ(Y/F)F amino acid motif (3). The EQ(Y/F)F
motif is reported to be associated with T cells that are activated
by lipid antigens through presentation by cluster of differen-
tiation 1 molecules (CD1) on dendritic cells. A potential role
for lipid antigen-stimulation in FMF was further corroborated
by demonstrating an abundance of CD1c-expressing dendritic
cells in FMF.
Future functional tests using tetramers will be required to ulti-
mately prove lipid antigen-stimulation presented through CD1
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3
Fig. 1. Panagiota Mantaka defended her thesis on November 14 th , 2018.
Foto: Foto- og videotjenesten, UiO.
lipids in FMF. The study of potential CD1-antigen restriction
in FMF, and perhaps MF, is important in view of possible new
therapeutic options, such as anti-CD1 antibodies.
List of original publications
1. Mantaka P, Helsing P, Gjersvik P, Bassarova A, Claussen OP, Delabie
J. Clinical and histopathological features of folliculotropic mycosis
fungoides: a Norwegian patient series. Acta Derm Venereol 2013;
93: 325–329.
2. Mantaka P, Malecka A, Trøen G, Helsing P, Gjersvik P, Delabie J.
Multiple distinct T-cell clones in folliculotropic mycosis fungoides.
Am J Dermatopathol 2014; 36: 972–976.
3. Mantaka P, Malecka A, Trøen G, Helsing P, Gjersvik P, Beiske K,
Delabie J. Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides with skewed T-cell
receptor CDR3 motif: suggestive of lipid antigen-selection? Acta
Derm Venereol 2017; 97: 1081–1086.