Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 15

Nicolas Kluger – Livedo reticularis and livedo racemosa Table III. Non-exhaustive list of diseases responsible for livedo racemosa (1–2) Vasculitis • Any vasculitis can be responsible for a livedo racemosa (vasculitis associated with a connectivitis, systemic and cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa, mixed cryoglobulinaemia type II and III, deficiency of ADA2, etc.) Thrombosis • Coagulation disorders (protein S, protein C, anti-thrombin III deficiencies, factor V Leiden mutation; factor II (prothrombin) mutation, antiphospholipid syndrome, heparin and anti-vitamin K necrosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, etc.) • Myeloproliferative disorders (thrombocythaemia, polycythaemia vera) • Cryoproteins (type I cryoglobulinaemia, cryofibrinogenaemia, cold agglutinins, paraproteinaemia) • Primary oxaliuria (oxalosis) • Cutaneous calcifications (calciphylaxis, primary hyperparathyroidism). • Livedoid vasculopathy • Sneddon’s syndrome Embolization disorders • Fibrino-cruorinal emboli (intracardiac or vascular thrombus) • Septic embolization (intracardiac or vascular) • Cholesterol emboli • Cardiac myxoma • Gas emboli (decompression sickness) • Fat emboli (severe trauma and multiple bone fractures) • Tumoural and metastatic emboli (lymphoma; breast) • Nicolau’s livedoid dermatitis (embolia cutis medicamentosa) and accidental intra-arterial injection (intramuscular; sclerotherapy) • Intravenous drug abuse (buprenorphine), cocaine of possible causes of pathological livedo racemosa is wide. A non-exhaustive list of causes of livedo racemosa is summarized in Table III. PubMed and other databases should be consulted for more in-depth references regarding each disease (13–15). Management of livedo racemosa The management of livedo racemosa is directly related to the underlying disease. Management will rely on correction of the cause, the adjunction of corticosteroids and other im- munosuppressive treatments, anticoagulation, antiplatelet or antivitamin K agents. An algorithm for the management of livedo racemosa is suggested in Fig. 6. References 1. Kluger N, Molinari E, Francès C. Livedo in adults. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2005; 132: 710–717. 2. Gibbs MB, English JC, Zirwas MJ. Livedo reticularis: an update. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 52: 1009–1019. 3. Herrero C, Guilabert A, Mascaró-Galy JM. Actas Dermosifiliogr 2008; 99: 598–607. 4. Parsi K, Partsch H, Rabe E, Ramelet AA. Reticulate eruptions. Part 1: Vascular networks and physiology. Australas J Dermatol 2011; 52: 159–166. 5. Kluger N, Merlet-Albrand S, Guillot B, Bessis D. A pigmented ery- thema of the thighs. Rev Med Interne 2009; 30: 349–350. 6. Bachmeyer C, Bensaid P, Bégon E. Laptop computer as a modern cause of erythema ab igne. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009; 23: 736–737. How to manage a livedo racemosa in an adult 7. Sangle SR, D’Cruz DP. Livedo reticularis: an enigma. Isr Med Assoc J 2015; 17: 104–107. Necrotic Livedo Infiltrated Livedo Non necrotic, 8. Georgesco G, Lorette G. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica non infiltrated, congenita. Presse Med 2010; 39: 495–498. « pure » Livedo 9. Ehrmann S. Ein neues Gefaβsymptom bei Lues. Wien Med Full thickness biopsy Wochenschr 1907; 57: 777–782. 10. Parsi K,Partsch H, Rabe E, Ramelet AA. Reticulate eruptions. Full thickness Thrombosis Emboli Vasculitis biopsy Part 2: Historical perspectives, morphology, terminology and classification. Australas J Dermatol 2011; 52: 237–244. Complete physical examination: 11. Kluger N, Sirvente J, Rigau V, Guillot B. Extensive thrombotic Sneddon neurological signs, cognitive signs, HTA, purpura revealing multiple myeloma associated – type I cry- valvulopathy… oglobulinemia. Br J Haematol 2011; 154: 1. WBC, platelets, hemostasis, APL, protein C, 12. Kluger N, Fabre S, Durand L, Guillot B. Spontaneous cutaneous APL + APL – protein S, AT III, protein Z, homocysteinemia, cholesterol embolism. Presse Med 2010; 39: 738–739. Antiplatelets? AVK dysfibrinogenia,…. 13. Saric M, Kronzon I. Cholesterol embolization syndrome. Curr Other measures Opin Cardiol 2011; 26: 472–479. Weight loss, lipid-lowering Cardiac echography therapies, blood pressure control, 14. Criado PR, Rivitti EA, Sotto MN, de Carvalho JF. Livedoid diabetes management In case of neurological symptoms or Avoidance of : Smoking, oestrogen vasculopathy as a coagulation disorder. Autoimmun Rev contraceptive valvulopathy, cerebral MRI 2011; 10: 353–360. Fig. 6. Algorithm for the management of livedo in adults. APL: circulating 15. Francès C, Papo T, Wechsler B, Laporte JL, Biousse V, Piette antiphospholipid; AT III: Anti-thrombin III; AVK: anti-vitamin K treatment; JC. Sneddon syndrome with or without antiphospholipid HTA: health technology assessments; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; WBC: antibodies. A comparative study in 46 patients. Medicine white blood cells. (Baltimore) 1999; 78: 209–219. Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3 E ducational R eview 77