Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 1, 2018 | Page 20
Marit Saunes and Eidi Christensen– Academic strength of St Olavs University Hospital in Trondheim
in activated T cells. Thus, for some years continuous research
has been carried out with the aim to enhance photopheresis
technology using porphyrin precursors instead of the approved
drug. This has provided data with promising results. Patients
are now included in a phase I/II clinical trial.
3D Printable wood nanocellulose for wound dressings. Photo: Gary
Chinga Carrasco, RISE PFI AS.
main goal is to identify new genetic factors with obvious
functional consequences that contribute to the risk of disease.
In addition, we plan to study gene expression and protein
levels in samples from our newly established psoriasis tissue
collection. By examining synergies between DNA, RNA and
proteins, we aim to reveal novel biological mechanisms that
have the potential to lead to new therapeutic targets.
Extracorporeal photopheresis
Extracorporeal photopheresis using 8-methoxypsoralene and
ultraviolet A (UVA) is an established method for treatment
of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and graft-versus-host-disease.
This modality is normally given to patients over a long period
of time and provides only partial response in the majority
of treated cases. 8-MOP binds to both diseased and normal
cells and thus kills both types of cells after UVA irradiation.
However, a precursor of the potent photosensitizer protopor-
phyrin IX (PpIX), has been shown to selectively induce PpIX
D ermato -V enereology in the N ordic C ountries
Medical students are a valuable resource. Together with the
student organization working with sexual health information
(MSO, medisinernes seksualopplysning) and the Department
of Microbiology at St Olavs University Hospital, we have or-
ganized a total of 8 STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing
days. Test sites have alternated between the two main NTNU
campuses in Trondheim. A total of 1,600 students have been
recruited and they participated in different research spin-off
projects connected to these STI testing days. One result of
these testing days is the implementation at our hospital of a
new method for detection of macrolide resistance in patients
with Mycoplasma genitalium infection.
The Prevention of Allergy Among Children in Trondheim
(PACT) study is a population-based intervention study focused
on the impacts on childhood atopic diseases of interventions
to reduce tobacco exposure, increase consumption of n-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids and reduce indoor dampness.
Since 2000, a large research database consisting of question-
naire-based information on exposure and health outcomes
has been established. A randomized sub-study, ProPACT,
included 415 pregnant women who received fermented milk
supplemented with 3 probiotic strains or pasteurized placebo
fermented milk from 4 weeks before expected due date until
3 months postpartum. Numerous biological samples, includ-
ing stool, blood, breast milk and bacterial swab samples,
were collected and used to identify possible mediators of
the preventive effect of maternal probiotic supplementation
on the development of atopic dermatitis. Researchers at the
Department of Public Health and Nursing are conducting
PACT, and researchers at the Department of Dermatology have
collaborated in the project.
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 1