Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 1, 2018 | Page 17

Erna Snellman – Academic Research at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology at Tampere University Hospital and University of Tampere thology resident Noora Neitaanmäki, MD, PhD from our group published her doctoral dissertation considering photodynamic therapy (PDT) and hyperspectral imaging (14). Doctoral students Mari Salmivuori, MD, (15) and Janne Räsänen, MD, continue their research in the field of PDT. Doctoral student Maria Lagerstedt, MD, has finalized her doctoral studies on lichen sclerosus and vulvar carcinoma and will defend her thesis in February 2018 (16). Other ongoing studies in our clinic are assessing skin cancers treated in our region, Drs Leea Ylitalo, MD, PhD, and Dr Niina Korhonen, MD, PhD, being responsible for the project. Post-doctoral researcher Toni Karppinen, MD, PhD, has recently launched his own research group within photodermatology. Atopy and Allergy Research Research into allergy and atopic diseases has been active in Tampere due to our distinguished Associate Professor Kristiina Turjanmaa, who retired some years ago. The present senior scientist is Dr Taina Hasan, MD, PhD, who has specific ex- pertise in contact allergy and photosensitivity. The present Atopic Disease Research Group studies, for example, the as- sociation between exposure to microbes in childhood and the development of atopic sensitization and atopic disease. The research group has access to the clinical data and biological samples of 3 prospective birth-cohort studies: the Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP), the DiabImmune, and The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) studies. Evaluation of microbe exposure is based on serology and detection of specific microbes by direct PCR, and on stool microbiome/virome analyses. Dr Laura Korhonen, MD, from our department is finalizing her PhD work, and Dr Tiina Palmu has recently started her PhD project under the supervision of docent Maria Lönnrot, MD, PhD. Conclusions Our research community is at its best in research into DH, wound care, photodermatology, PDT, skin cancers and atopic diseases. We welcome visitors from the other Nordic countries, who can contact the group leaders to find out more about our research. References 1. Salmi TT, Hervonen K, Kautiainen H, Collin P, Reunala T. Prevalence and incidence of dermatitis herpetiformis: a 40-year prospective study from Finland. Br J Dermatol 2011; 165: 354–359. Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 1 2. Hervonen K, Alakoski A, Salmi TT, Helakorpi S, Kautiainen H, Kaukinen K, et al. Reduced mortality in dermatitis herpetiformis: a population-based study of 476 patients. Br J Dermatol 2012; 167: 1331–1337. 3. Hervonen K, Salmi TT, Ilus T, Paasikivi K, Vornanen M, Laurila K, et al. Dermatitis herpetiformis refractory to a gluten-free dietary treatment. Acta Derm Venereol 2016; 96: 82–86. 4. Mansikka E, Hervonen K, Salmi T, Kautiainen H, Kaukinen K, Collin P, Reunala T. The decreasing prevalence of severe villous atrophy in dermatitis herpetiformis: a 45-year experience in 393 patients. J Clin Gastroenterol 2017; 51: 235–239. 5. Alakoski A, Salmi TT, Hervonen K, Kautiainen H, Salo M, Kaukinen K, et al. Chronic gastritis in dermatitis herpetiformis: a controlled study. Clin Dev Immunol 2012; 2012: 64063 0. 6. Pasternack C, Kaukinen K, Kurppa K, Mäki M, Collin P, Reunala T, et al. Quality of life and gastrointestinal symptoms in long-term treated dermatitis herpetiformis patients. Am J Clin Dermatol 2015; 16: 545–552. 7. Pasternack C, Kaukinen K, Kurppa K, Mäki M, Collin P, Hervonen K, et al. Gastrointestinal symptoms increase the burden of illness in dermatitis herpetiformis: A prospective study. Acta Derm Ve- nereol 2017; 97: 58–62. 8. Kimpimäki T, Huotari-Orava R, Antonen J, Vaalasti A. Increased incidence of cutaneous vasculitic ulcers: 30-year results from a population-based retrospective study. Acta Derm Venereol 2017; 97: 653–654. 9. Vähävihu K. Heliotherapy and narrow-band UVB improve vitamin D balance. Doctoral dissertation. Available from: urn:isbn:978-951-44-8182-6. 10. Ala-Houhala M. Narrow-­band ultraviolet B exposures improve vita- min D balance - Trials involving dermatological and haemodialysis patients and healthy subjects. Doctoral dissertation. Available from: 11. Karppinen T. Effects of narrow-band ultraviolet B and solar radia- tion on vitamin D synthesis and of empowering heliotherapy on quality of life in dermatological patients. Doctoral dissertation. Available from: 12. Jussila A, Huotari-Orava R, Ylianttila L, Partonen T, Snellman E. Narrow-band ultraviolet B radiation induces the expression of -endorphin in human skin in vivo. J Photochem Photobiol B 2016; 155: 104–108. 13. Nikkola V, Grönroos M, Huotari-Orava R, Kautiainen H, Ylianttila L, Karppinen T, et al. Circadian time effects on NB-UVB induced erythema in human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol 2017 Aug 24 [Epub ahead of print]. 14. Neittaanmäki-Perttu N. Diagnosis and treatment of premalignant changes of photodamaged skin: Novel hyperspectral imaging and new therapeutical aspects. Doctoral dissertation. Available from: 978-951-51-1216-3. 15. Neittaanmäki N, Salmivuori M, Pölönen I, Jeskanen L, Ranki A, Saksela O, et al. Hyperspectral imaging in detecting dermal invasion in lentigo maligna melanoma. Br J Dermatol 2016 Dec 23 [Epub ahead of print]. 16. Lagerstedt M, Huotari-Orava R, Nyberg R, Mäenpää JU, Snellman E, Laasanen SL. Reduction in ERRα is associated with lichen scle- rosus and vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 2015; 139: 536–540. D ermato -V enereology in the N ordic C ountries 15