Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology No 3, 2019 Telemedicine | Page 5

Carsten Sauer Mikkelsen, Lars Werner, Luit Penninga – PsoMentor App – Gamifying Your Psoriasis Tracking O verview By keeping a digital daily log, the patients obtain detailed insight in their psoriasis over time. Graphs can illustrate the correlation between lifestyle, psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis. Important personal notes can also be entered in the app. The app also allows contact and bond with other users of the PsoMentor App sharing experiences, tips and tricks and other kind of support. When the patient consults their dermatologist the PsoMentor App describes a more true-accurate holistic and detailed regi­ stration of their psoriasis and comorbidity over time and not in a moment. Photo journal and the DLQI questionary scheme implemented in PsoMentor are also helpful tools. This detailed registration of valuable information makes it easier for the doctor to choose correct treatment and follow-up. Besides for dermatologists, the app is also very valuable for other health care professionals who take care of patients with psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis like rheumatologists, general practitioners, physiotherapists, and nurses (4). Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2019, Vol. 24, No. 3 PsoMentor was launched in October 2016, and is freely availa- ble on the website of the Danish Psoriasis Association (4). The app is available both on App store and Google Apps. C onflict of interest PsoMentor is developed as a partnership between Psoria- sisforeningen, The digital bureau Daman and professional healthcare persons. R eferences 1. Mendiola F, Kalnicki M, Lindenauer S. Valuable features in mobile health Apps for patients and consumers: content analysis of apps and user ratings. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2015; 3: e 40. Doi:10.2196/ mhealth.4283. 2. Masud A, Shafi S, Rao BK. Mobile medical apps for patient educa- tion: a graded review of available dermatology apps. Cutis 2018; 101: 141–144. 3. Svendsen MT, Andersen F, Andersen KH, Pottegård A, Johannessen H, Möller S, et al. A smartphone application supporting patients with psoriasis improves adherence to topical treatment: a ran- domized controlled trial. Br J Dermatol 2018; 179: 1062–1071. 4. PsoMentor available at: T heme I ssue : T eledermatology 89