Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology No 3, 2019 Telemedicine | Page 28

John Paoli – Teledermatology and teledermoscopy: old technology just waiting to be exploited menting digital solutions to allow for TD and TDS for all Swedish patients in the near future. Conclusion TD and TDS for improved referral triage is here to stay regard- less of the digital system used to implement the technique. Those of us who have worked with TD and TDS could never imagine working in a health care system in which it was not available. It is a pity that implementation has been so slow up until now, but a positive trend towards problem-solving seems to be growing. The technology has been around for what seems like an eternity. Now, we just need politicians, bureaucrats and IT “experts” to stop blocking the progress of our work so that everyone can reap the benefits of TD and TDS. R eferences 1. Perednia DA, Brown NA. Teledermatology: one application of telemedicine. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 1995; 83: 42–47. 2. Provost N, Kopf AW, Rabinovitz HS, Stolz W, DeDavid M, Wasti Q, et al. Comparison of conventional photographs and telephon- ically transmitted compressed digitized images of melanomas and 112 T heme I ssue : T eledermatology dysplastic nevi. Dermatology 1998; 196: 299–304. 3. Finnane A, Dallest K, Janda M, Soyer HP. Teledermatology for the diagnosis and management of skin cancer: a systematic review. JAMA Dermatol 2017; 153: 319–327. 4. Mounessa JS, Chapman S, Braunberger T, Qin R, Lipoff JB, Dellav- alle RP, et al. A systematic review of satisfaction with telederma- tology. J Telemed Telecare 2018; 24: 263–270. 5. Snoswell C, Finnane A, Janda M, Soyer HP, Whitty JA. Cost-effec- tiveness of store-and-forward teledermatology: a systematic review. JAMA Dermatol 2016; 152: 702–708. 6. Borve A, Holst A, Gente-Lidholm A, Molina-Martinez R, Paoli J. Use of the mobile phone multimedia messaging service for teleder- matology. J Telemed Telecare. 2012; 18: 292–296. 7. Börve A, Terstappen K, Sandberg C, Paoli J. Mobile teledermosco- py-there’s an app for that! Dermatol Pract Concept 2013; 3: 41–48. 8. Börve A, Dahlen Gyllencreutz J, Terstappen K, Johansson Backman E, Aldenbratt A, Danielsson M, et al. Smartphone teledermoscopy referrals: a novel process for improved triage of skin cancer patients. Acta Derm Venereol 2015; 95: 186–190. 9. Dahlen Gyllencreutz J, Paoli J, Bjellerup M, Bucharbajeva Z, Gon- zalez H, Nielsen K, et al. Diagnostic agreement and interobserver concordance with teledermoscopy referrals. J Eur Acad Derm Venereol 2017; 31: 898–903. 10. Dahlen Gyllencreutz J, Johansson Backman E, Terstappen K, Paoli J. Teledermoscopy images acquired in primary health care and hospital settings - a comparative study of image quality. J Eur Acad Derm Venereol 2018; 32: 1038–1043. Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2019, Vol. 24, No. 3