Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology No 3, 2019 Telemedicine | Page 25
Carsten Sauer Mikkelsen, John Paoli, Sam Polesie and Jan Eklind – Hudläkarforum Q and A
applicable, dermoscopic images are welcome contributions.
In my opinion, being exposed to new cases is an excellent
way to improve your ability to make a solid set of differential
diagnoses. Even though a case can be easy to you, there will
always be other dermatologists who can benefit and learn
from your case. Therefore, the site is useful both to residents
as well as specialists.
Can you give an example of a case that helped you?
It is hard to select one particular clinical case that has helped
me. There are simply too many to choose from. To me, some
of the polls have proved to be particularly useful, especially
the one that discussed the clinical management of dysplastic
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2019, Vol. 24, No. 3
naevi with severe atypia and surgical margins.
How do you see the potential in the future for Hudläkarforum?
I believe this online forum has remarkable potential for
Nordic dermatologists. It is an excellent way to reach out to
others when you have a challenging or educational case at
hand. Knowledge is always best when shared and as there are
so many rare conditions within our field, it is impossible to
have knowledge about all of them. Moreover, since derma-
tology guidelines are somewhat different between the Nordic
countries, it is interesting to get input from other Nordic
dermatologists on treatment suggestions for selected cases.
T heme I ssue : T eledermatology