Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology 2016, No. 4 21 | Page 25

Information from the Nordic Societies
100-year Anniversary of the Finnish Dermatological Society
Toni Karppinen , Regional Editor
Department of Dermatology , Tampere University Hospital , Tampere , Finland . E-mail : toni . karppinen @ icloud . com
The Finnish Dermatological Society was founded on 19 May 1916 , and is one of the country ’ s oldest specialist associations . The association has a current membership of 378 . The society ’ s 100 th anniversary was celebrated during a 3-day congress at Finlandia Hall , Helsinki ( Fig . 1 ) on 19 – 21 May 2016 . Domestic and foreign leading experts were invited to give lectures on a diverse range of topics . Docent Petteri Arstila opened the lecture series on the subject of dermatological Fig . 2 . Future forum panelists and the host Tiina Merikanto ( YLE ). immunology , which inspired active discussion that continued throughout the congress . The day general , the forum foresaw more advantages than threats from continued with Future Forum , comprising 8 panellists ( Fig . these new ideas . The Future Forum was followed by some wise 2 ), who painted a picture of the future of our specialty . Forum and motivational words from Archiater Risto Pelkonen ( Fig . topics included the current social and health services reform , 3 ), who emphasized the significance of scientific research , the future of research , digitalization and teledermatology . individual growth and cooperation . These subjects provoked refreshing cross-talk , and novel ideas from the panel , and strong discussion with the audience . In The following day saw the launch of a chronicle book of our 100-year-old society , produced by Associate Professor Outi Kortekangas-Savolainen . The first chapters , on the foundation of our society , were new to many members , and certainly to most of younger generation . The audience followed this presentation with great interest and enthusiasm . A copy of the comprehensive chronicle book was afterwards given to all members . The day continued with lectures by Professor Juha Kere , Karolinska Institutet , Stockholm , on keratinocyte gene expression ( Fig . 4 ), and Professor Annamari Ranki , Helsinki , on targeted treatment of cutaneous lymphomas . After lunch Professor Susana Puig ( Fig . 1 ), Barcelona , Spain , gave us an eye-opening lecture about genetic factors in melanoma . The ” take-home message ” was that the
Fig . 1 . Lecture atmosphere at the Finlandia Hall , melanoma lecture by Susana Puig . genetic burden of melanoma is sub-
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