Forum For Business May, 2015 | Page 4

exper i e nc e e me r g e : Expand you r n e t w o r k – a n d your sk ills STEPHANIE COLÓN COMMUNITY SOUTHERN BANK C ] O N N E C T What does the definition of Leadership mean to you? Does it mean control? Does it mean management? Leadership to me means gaining authority by giving it away. I learned a long time ago that a great leader is a person who mobilizes others toward a common goal. Leadership can have so many different definitions to people. Leadership is about how to guide people, with care and concern. When I was a young child, I always felt that I wanted to be 4 | FORUM FOR BUSINESS a leader. In the fifth grade I was a patrol at our elementary school and even then I knew that in order to be a good leader, I had to follow the rules as I would have told other classmates to follow, such as no chewing gum, and no running in the hallway. That experience taught me that even though I was “in charge” I had to be an example. Leadership isn’t a title. Think of the time when Abraham Lincoln was our President. He was a vital leader in preserving the Union during the Civil War. He had endured so many pressures, despite the assassination threats, generals who weren’t ready to fight, and huge loss of life on the battlefields, he kept fighting until the Confederacy was defeated. President Lincoln, also accomplished the Emancipation and Proclamation, even though this didn’t immediately free all slaves, he worked tirelessly until the final passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, however, he was assassinated before it’s final enactment. President Lincoln's Leadership was benevolent and participatory, he was a great leader. Being a great leader, doesn’t always mean that you make the “popular” choices. In his situation his stance and beliefs were for the people, all the people. In the month of May, Emerge Lakeland will host it’s annual “Follow the Leaders” event. Every year we gather community Leaders who we feel will give our young professionals advice and information that will help transform them as they are traveling on their career path. This year the panel will consist of New Leaders in a New Role. We wanted to hear from the Leaders in our community who have recently moved to Lakeland and have accepted a position that is new to them. This year’s event will be held at the Lakeland Yacht and Country Club and there is limited seating. Please be sure to visit and RSVP before it’s too late.