Forum For Business May, 2015 | Page 11

WA N T T O K N O W W H Y B E I N G A M E M B E R O F T H E L A K E L A N D A R E A C H A M B E R I S S O B E C O M I N G ? R E A D O N . . . CALENDAR EVENT HIGHLIGHTS NEW MEMBERS 2015 Legislative Wrap Up Breakfast Lakeland Yacht & Country Club | 929 Lake Hollingsworth Dr Tickets $30 members | $35 non members Presenting Sponsors Gold Sponsors MIDFLORIDA Credit Union | Lakeland Electric Silver Sponsors A-C-T Environmental & Infrastructure | Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Polk State College | Southeastern University Valencia Hills Health & Rehabilitation Center RIBBON CUTTINGS TWISTS, TURNS AND OUTCOMES FROM THE 2015 LEGISLATIVE SESSION WITH THE LAKELAND CHAMBER The Florida Legislature was to convene on May 1, 2015 with a primary focus on two challenging issues: passing a balanced budget and creating a positive environment for businesses in Florida. Unfortunately, both legislative chambers were unable to come to a compromise on the state budget, but that won’t keep your Lakeland Chamber from hosting its annual Legislative Wrap-Up event. Just like our elected leaders we have one job to do and that’s keep our businesses and communities aware of what is happening in our state capital. The Legislative Breakfast provides members an opportunity to hear a firsthand account of session and engage with elected legislators on the outcomes of the past 60 days in Tallahassee and what’s to come during the special session. As decisions are being made related to economic development, education, healthcare, unemployment compensation, and insurance, this opportunity to meet with Polk's Legislative Delegation becomes increasingly more important each year. This event is one of the most valuable public affairs tools the