Skil l s U S A F l o r i da L e a d ersh ip a n d
Skil l s C om p e t i t i o n s - W i n n in g for La k e la n d !
Skills USA held their
Florida Leadership &
Skills Competitions
in Lakeland April 2629, 2015. Those dates
meant –as guests from
Sun ‘n Fun flew out—
SkillsUSA competitors
rolled in--helping make
April, 2015, one of the
strongest months for
Polk County tourist
tax collections—just
behind March which
was a record-breaking
collection month
surpassing $1 million!
Skills USA is a nationally
recognized nonprofit
program that serves as
a partnership between
students, teachers,
and industry to ensure
that America has a
skilled workforce. The
program promotes
teamwork, leadership,
citizenship, and
character development.
Within that framework
it builds and reinforces
work attitude, and
communication skills.
Nationally SkillsUSA is
18 | F O R U M F O R B U S I N E S S
comprised of more than
350,000 students!
The competitors
who won the right
to participate in
the Florida State
Competitions converged
into The Lakeland
Center on Sunday, April
29th ready to compete
to win the opportunity
to attend the National
Competitions in
Louisville, Kentucky
in June! The entire
Lakeland Center was
transformed into
workstation mecca
with equipment for
diesel engines, digital
cinema production,
welding, masonry,
plumbing, construction,
major appliance and
refrigeration repair,
nursing, biotechnology,
carpentry, web design,
cosmetology, drafting,
pharmacy, culinary, and
automotive techs spread
out across the arena
and the exhibit hall. It
was an impressive sight
to behold watching the
best of the best compete!
In fact, these students
were some of the most
enthusiastic and focused
Lakeland has seen to
date in competitions
and also noteworthy,
some of the most
courteous and respectful
in that same aspect!
When not competing,
the attendees enjoyed
their time at Lakeland’s
restaurants and
entertainment areas,
spending their dollars
to help our economic
climate! Our hotels,
motels, restaurants, and
businesses are looking
forward to their return
having made some new
friends from across
the State of Florida!
Please enjoy a short
video capturing a piece
of the excitement at
The Lakeland Center
at: https://youtu.
be/9m4qTIgVlXU . We
are looking forward
to their return to
Lakeland for their state
competitions again in
April 24-27, 2016 and
April 23 – 26, 2017!