On the professional side of things, the New Year is a
time to make important decisions about the future of
your business. While health care costs are continuing
to rise anda businesses struggle to understand the
ramifications of the ACA rules and regulations,
one local insurance agent is creating a new kind of
employee benefits program, where a healthy group
has a tremendous advantage in regards to employer
health care costs. Greg Sale, Partner at OMS, believes
that a good health strategy is a good business strategy.
He and his benefits team have been working tirelessly
to design the most cost-effective healthcare benefit
program for their clients that would work to foster
a healthier workforce. The OMS Well-Life Corporate
Health System is a self-funded platform combined with
preventative care and a strong wellness initiative. Greg
and his team define what a healthy company culture
looks like for many Central Florida businesses. They
begin first by assessing a group through biometric
screenings to determine who may be at-risk for a
serious health condition. The system is confidential
and each at-risk employee receives personalized
medical attention and opportunities to improve their
health through coaching and one-on-one disease
management. When employees reach their health
goals they receive awards and incentives. Company
culture begins to shift its awareness away from
reactionary health care and embraces prevention. Now
OMS is launching a new project as part of this already
successful system: a focus on nutrition, education
and training to promote healthy eating habits that
further the preventative stance these groups are
Whitney Cabrera, has joined the OMS team to
lead this charge. She has designed comprehensive
workshops to educate participants about
nutrition and healthy cooking that she believes
will be a turning point in many lives. Whitney
has a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and began
her career 28 years ago as an RN. She is also a
licensed Well Coach, certified personal trainer, and
therapeutic chef. While working in the Emergency
Room and Critical Care Unit, she noticed that
many of her patients were return visitors because
they had preventable or manageable diseases,
which she knew could be reserved or avoided with
proper nutrition. She has brought her extensive
knowledge to OMS. Her workshops include
cooking demonstrations to show healthy, yet
tasty recipes, food education, and meal planning.
Whitney likes to get to the root of many health
set-backs—food. Now there’s someone in the
trenches with those who want to learn and make
a change for the better. Her excitement for natural
wholesome food combined with her compassion
for helping people is opening new doors, bringing
farm fresh produce to the tables of corporate
conference rooms.