Fort Worth Chamber's 2013 Annual Report 2013 | Page 6

Relocations Expansions •  irbase Services A •  arolina Beverage Group C •  almart E-Commerce DC W •  mazon A •  ydradyne H •  AE Systems B •  ennyMac P •  lcon Laboratories, Inc. A •  E Manufacturing G Solutions •  G Electronics L •  illerCoors M •  he Dannon Company T •  ederal Aviation F Administration 7,653 4.9 million $330 $517.5 million million Number of jobs created Size in square footage Capital investment Annual payroll Outreach Visitation 53 Number of local companies visited for business retention program Focusing on international trade DFW International Airport partnership Photo courtesy DFW International Airport The Chamber’s symbiotic partnership with DFW International Airport grew stronger this past year. Celebrating their 40th anniversary and touting new air routes to Australia, Brazil and Peru opened opportunities to expand international economic development. Joining with DFW Airport officials on trade missions to those countries were Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, and representatives from the Fort Worth and Dallas Regiona