Section 1 Any member in good standing who has paid a full convention / conference registration fee , shall have voting privileges at the state convention of the Business and Professional Women of Tennessee , Inc . ( BPW / TN ).
Section 2 No individual shall have more than one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed . Section 3
This local organization shall be entitled to three ( 3 ) delegates to the annual spring regional meeting .
[ Note : This provision should be added for LOs in regions divided into districts .]
The rules of parliamentary procedure comprised in the current edition of Robert ' s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings of the local organization ; the boards of directors , and the executive committee , subject to such special rules as have been or may be adopted .
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the board of directors , the executive committee or the bylaws committee .
All proposed amendments shall be sent in writing to every member at least ten ( 10 ) days before they are to be voted upon .
All proposed amendments shall be presented to the board of directors prior to presentation to the local organization .
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting .
The final adoption by the local organization of amendments to or revisions of these bylaws shall be contingent upon the approval of the state president .
Section 6 When an amendment is adopted to state bylaws which affects local organization bylaws , the local organization shall automatically amend its bylaws to conform . The Model Local Organization bylaws are automatically amended as well . Any conflict shall be resolved in accordance with state policy and procedure .
Upon dissolution of this organization all of its assets remaining after payment of all costs and expenses of such dissolution shall be distributed to the Business and Professional Women , Inc . ( BPW / TN ), a BPW / TN district or region , a BPW / TN local organization , or a BPW / TN Foundation which has qualified for exemption under section 501 ( c )( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code and state tax regulations . None of the assets will be distributed to any member , officer or trustee of this organization . ( Procedural steps are defined in the BPW / TN Handbook of Policies and Procedures .)
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Model LO Bylaws